What to wear-New Years Eve

New Years Eve 2012

Hello ladies!!  So i’ve been in a kind of writers block lately/ laziness since its getting sooner to my due date. I have slightly began to neglect my blog, which I do not want to happen…Iv’e been brain storming on ideas so I can stay constant on posting and have back up posts for when the baby comes. So i’m thinking of doing different segments every week for example like this one “What to wear ” growing up and while I was trying to find my fashion sense I was always stuck at what to wear to different events like an interview, different parties, just things I should wear to different occasions. So I will be doing this segment creating different outfits from online and sometimes from my own closet on what to wear, and of course I will keep it affordable. What do you guys think good segment? If you have any other suggestions please let me know..