Outfit of the day: Lets do prints

Hello this was the outfit that I wore in my first vlog video. It was very hot out so I got to wear my first summer dress. I love a bold print summer dress. Lol at the bottom left you can see Jon popping in on the pictures he popped his head in and said are you recording 🙂
Dress Target on clearance $12.99
Belt & Heart necklace  F21 (bought last summer)
Sandals  H&M

Sweet Friday

Jon and I decided to make cupcakes yesterday. So we ended up making red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting of course and did I forget to mention they were jumbo cupcakes. They were semi homemade I bought Duncan Hines red velvet cake mix and we made the cream cheese from scratch.
Cream Cheese Recipe
  • 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup , softened
  • 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a medium bowl, cream together the cream cheese and butter until creamy. Mix in the vanilla, then gradually stir in the confectioners’ sugar. Store in the refrigerator after use.

Have a great weekend!!

Outfit of the day: The Red Blazer

Outfit Details:
Blazer thrifted SA
White tee Target
Jeans F21
Heels Amiclubwear
Bag Shoedazzle
Spiked earings our store opening soon
Hello everybody so my out fit for today I finally got to wear my red blazer that I bought when I went thrifting for the first time it was only about $5.00.

Who’s on Instagram??? Follow Me

Hi everyone last week I finally joined Instagram which was finally available on my android. I’ll admit I was a little jelly that i-phone users were having all the fun. I had it on my ipad but its not the same as now having it on my phone. I was so excited and now completely addicted I wanna take pictures of everything lol.

Come follow me! My username is @Mommynheels  
Or leave me your username so I can check out your Instagram!!
P.S. Do you guys like my new banner??

Easter weekend

Hi everyone I hope you guys enjoyed your easter sunday. We did we went over to my sister in laws house it was nice to see everyone, and of course everyone always ask when we are moving back to Sacramento lol not anytime soon btw. I was in charge of making dessert and being the chocolate lover that I am I made chocolate dipped strawberries, cookies, giant marshmallows, peeps and I made my first  cheesecake I made a strawberry swirl cheesecake it was delicious so creamy yum.   
Have a fabulous week!!