Outfit of the day: Blue pop top

Outfit details:
Top, necklace & bracelets:  F21
Skirt: Target
Booties: Cross roads trading comp.


Our new dog Max Fluffy

Hello everyone I hope you guys had an amazing weekend!! I didn’t do much I just lounged around the house. Looking at all the stuff we have to pack. I don’t know if I told you guys already, but we are moving back to Sacramento at the end of this month. We really love living here in the bay area, but we really miss our family and friends. I know they are not far away, but its not the same as being a few minutes away. Everyone also misses seeing Jon and Juliana and I know Jon misses allll his cousins and having sleepovers. So for right now we think that decision makes sense.

Update 10/2
So we didn’t end up moving as the date got closer and closer we felt sadder and sadder ( I don’t think thats a word but thats how we felt)We like living here and Jon goes to one of the best schools. So for now we’re staying. I will still be going back to school though in spring we’ll see how that goes o_0

Hope you guys have a great week!!!


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