Family Fun: Del Osso’ family farm

Hi! this past weekend we finally decided to go out to the pumpkin patch. We really  had our hopes on going to the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay, but you really have to leave really early so you don’t get stuck in traffic (one way lanes each way) I really wanted to sleep in since it was Sunday I usually have to go to work. Have I mentioned how mush I hate working on weekends. It sucks especially during this time of year all the festivals they have. But anyways we decided we would go to the Dell Osso’ family farm you have probably seen it before near I-5 and I-205. I’ve seen it tons of times when we use to live in Sacramento and would come down here to the bay area. We would always say we need to go stop and visit, but for some reason we never did even during Christmas they have it all decorated. 

It was supper warm this day which made it feel like we we at the pumpkin patch in the middle summer. I went all bundled up in boots even and I should have been wearing a summer dress it was so that hot. The maze was fun we got lost over and over again apparently we cant read maps and have depended far too much on our talking GPS when it comes to directions. So after 30 minutes of feeling like we were going in circles we decided to retrace our steps and get out of their. We were surprised at the amount of activities they had here I never knew they had so much to do. The little ones had tons of fun and we were there for quite a a few hours til late in the evening. I would defiantly  recommend this patch to anyone.
Until next time…

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