Mom Wisdom

Growing up my mom tried to install plenty of wisdom in me that I can carry on throughout life. So I could be prepared for all the bumps in the road life has and will continue to throw at me. She taught me countless things but the most that stuck are to be independent, to never let anyone talk down to me, that education was very important, to work hard at everything that I do and to treat others like I would like to be treated.

Treat others like I would like to be treated was probably the most that I have been confronted in my life so far. Especially in my younger years with peer pressure and trying to fit in because of course that is the most important thing in the world at that age right. But every time I had a situation I had my mom’s voice in the back of my head, saying what if someone treated you like that Mayra. I have lost a couple friends for not talking down to some one or ignoring them, and guess what i’m fine you move on. Thank you mom!

Now as a mother myself I try to teach the same wisdom that my mother did to me .Jon who is 8 i’ve tried to teach him treat others like he would like to be treated that school is important, getting a higher education is very important and that he has to work hard in anything he wants to achieve. Last year his school went to go visit St. Mary’s college, he was beyond excited and filled with so many questions. He can’t wait until he is off to college. I tell him he will be one day he has to work hard in class get good grades. I’m sure I will be balling my eyes out when that day comes and Julian will have to drag me out of his dorm.

This next school year he will be starting a new school in a new city. School starts next week and we will be back into our crazy routine. Starting off first thing in the morning with a healthy breakfast with a glass of California milk. It is the most important meal in the day, we tell Jon a glass of milk helps keep him focused in class and helps with his growth making sure his muscles stay strong. When I was younger and still to this day I drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed it just makes me sleep better. Juliana our 2 year old likes drinking a warm glass of milk in the morning, as soon as she wakes up the first thing she asks for is leche mom leche.

Hope you guys enjoy your day!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

2 thoughts on “Mom Wisdom

  1. Great post I saw a commercial the other day that had a fire fighter reminiscing to things his mom use to tell him it was a cute commercial.


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