Gift Ideas from a Boy

An 8 year old boys holiday wish list

Hi! everyone please welcome our son Jonathan to the blog. He is giving us an insight to what an 8 year old boy might want for the holidays.

1. My mom bought this for my cousin last year it was pretty cool. Especially at night.

2. Minecraft my favorite game, I have it on my moms iPad, but I want it for my xbox. I had got it last year, but than my sister knocked the xbox down and it scratched. Ugh sisters!

3. Tablet to play games, watch gaming videos and oh yeah read.

4. This light is awesome!

5. These sweaters are cool, I like scaring my sister when I zip the whole thing up.

6. Some Jordans these are pretty cool. I promise to take care of them!

7. Scooter fun to do tricks!

There you have it a wish list according to Jon are eight year old son. Who surprised us with his list, We thought there was going to be a lot more electronics on there.

Happy Holidays from our family to yours! 

My Holiday Wishlist 2014

My Holiday Wishlist

1. Lorac Pro Palette, I’ve had my eye on this palette forever. I don”t even know if  they even have the first one, I believe they are limited addition. You can let me know if i’m wrong. I love this palette has both the same amount of shimmer shades as well as matte. 

2. Too Faced Chocolate bar 2, I remember a while back when I was buying my Naked 2 palette. I had taken a photo of both palettes side by side and posted it to my Instagram. Asking which one should I buy and I got few comments saying definitely the Naked palette. The Chocolate bar was not worth the price, but recently I’ve been back to watching YouTube videos again (since I want to start making videos again) And a lot of girls on there have been using the Too faced palette 1 and I have been loving their looks.

3.Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour palette, I don’t know why I still haven’t bought this yet. Must have!!

4.Smaller Flat head foundation brush, Just until recently I decided I need to add this to my collection. A smaller flat  brush to apply my liquid foundation on a little better especially my matte finishing ones. 

5.While cooking or cleaning up, I really like listening to music or catching up on one of my many shows that I need to catch up on. So I could really use a bluetooth speaker. My phone or Ipad is just not loud enough. Plus something small we can carry to the lake would be great.

6. Statement necklace just because they look AWESOME!

7.Love this coat! Ok, I love any over sized coat. Regretting giving my long black one to my mother in law last year.

8. Black booties, Oh the joy of having pets Gisele chewed up my favorite pair,

9. Small dainty rings, I really like how they look.

10. I’m not much of a sneaker girl as you can probably tell, but having some classics never hurt. Especially pairing them up with ripped jeans and a tee.

What’s on your wishlist this year??

Happy Holidays!!

All Glammed Up

This past weekend was my nieces quinceañera finally after 2 years of planning we had such a fun filled hectic day. Like always we were running late, the church was in the morning so I had just enough time to do a quick 5 minute face. Not pictured here of course. This was the make up I did for the reception. My hair loose curls using my Insta Wave wand parted and pulled half way back. Did that make any sense. This lipstick I have been obsessed with this past week, I had it somewhere in my make up stash its the perfect frosted pink.

  1.  Loreal Lumi Foundation in W3 nude beige all over face
  2. Physicians Conceal RX in natural light patted under eyes
  3. NYX Mineral powder in medium dark buffed all over face
  4. Wet n Wild ultimate brow kit in 963 Ash brown
  5. All over crease and lower lash line
  6. Tamanna Palette, Chocolate on outer V blending half way onto lid and outer part of lower lash line
  7. Noir on outer corner of eye to bringing in more depth
  8. Blush on inner part of lid
  9. Inner corner of eye and brow bone
  10. NYC liquid liner in Black
  11. ELF dramatic lashes in Black
  12. Rimmel Scandaleyes in Blackest Black
  13. Wet n Wild color icon blush in Mellow wine
  14. Physicians shimmer strips in Sunset strip used as highlighter
  15. NYX in Georgia lipstick
  16. MAC lipglass in Funky Fusion

Total time it took me to do my make up about 35 minutes

Have a nice day and stay dry it pouring out here!

Review: InstaWave Automatic Curler search_me = ‘166_29103’; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’), i=scriptElems.length – 1, curLoc; for (; i; –i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if (‘innerText’ in curLoc) { if (curLoc.innerText.indexOf(search_me)) break; }else if (‘textContent’ in curLoc) { if (curLoc.textContent.indexOf(search_me)) break; }} addImpression(166,29103);var clkHndlr = function(event) { addListenersForClickAround(166,29103, curLoc); };addEvent(window, ‘load’, clkHndlr);
I don’t know if I have ever mentioned that I love big hair. I think I must have been from Texas in another life. I love big bouncy curls. My hair is pretty thick so it takes me a while to curl my hair. I recently got to try the new Kiss InstaWave, it instantly creates beautiful, long-lasting curls with just 
the touch of a button. 

From their website here

Curls Made Instantly with the Touch of 
a Button


Lets get started
It took me a second try to get a nice bouncy curl. Wait 8 to 10 seconds depending on how tight you want your curl. Place hair in front of wand for an outer curl or place hair in back of wand for inner curl. The dialer has a left or right button depending on which direction you are for. You can even try alternating every curl left to right for more volume. Which is what I was doing here.
How to use
1. Hold InstaWave vertically

2. Place a section of hair on the InstaWave curling rod

3. Touch the Curl Dial either left or right, and the InstaWave instantly and automatically catches and curls the hair

4.Hold for 5-10 seconds, hold longer for tighter curls and less for beachy waves

5.Pull the InstaWave down vertically, letting hair out

It has a 1 inch ceramic iron barrel, which is a perfect size for my shorter hair. As of right now that is the only size they have, they might release additional sizes later on. When you turn on Insta Wave it has two settings low and hi it reaches a maximum temperature of 420. When you first turn it on it has a red light and when it is ready the light turns blue. You do hear a light buzzing noise, but it is very vague. It didn’t bother me. If you accidentally forget to turn it off, it will automatically shut off after 90 minutes.

All done this was before I put my fingers through for a bit of a looser curl. I really liked the results I achieved. I was a bit skeptical at first because I had just cut my hair a couple days ago. A lot shorter and was not sure if it would work on my shorter hair. InstaWave worked just fine. It also helped me because I have thick hair to really section of my hair before I used it.

This was 3 hours later curls still bouncy and I didn’t even use hairspray. It was on accident I completely forgot when I was already in the car. 
Here in the U.S. it can be purchased for $59.99 at Target, Ulta and Amazon
Have a great day!!

Disclaimer I received this wand  from InstaWave for a review from my affiliation with Brand Backer. Even though I received it at no cost to me all opinions are 100% mine.