Forgotten Boots

Hi! Todays outfit I paired with these boots that I probably bought almost two years ago at Forever 21. This is the first time that I wear them. Ok this is what happened every summer I put my winter clothes and boots in boxes, so they are out of our closet. Somehow I ended up putting these boots in a random box and completely forgot about them, until we moved and I was going through all our boxes. Surprise these forgotten boots were inside!

Outfit Details
Sweater: Old Navy
Dress: Int Macys
Tights: Target
Necklace: F21

Have a Fabulous weekend!!  

Jonathan turns 9

Our not so little (anymore) boy Jonathan turned 9 on the 24th. I took this picture yesterday and looking at it, he just looks so grown up to me, I couldn’t believe it. I started looking back at pictures when he was a baby and toddler. And started thinking back to when we found out we were pregnant with Jon and I started crying. We were both just 19 that feels like 100 years ago. I was a complete different person then. We were scared, we were going to bring this whole other person into this world. We were going to be responsible for raising him and building his character. What if we messed up, it was going to be our fault. What if I didn’t have an immediate bond with him, what if I suffered from postpartum depression. To be honest I was never much of a baby person, I was an only child, I didn’t think I ever wanted kids. I was a very selfish person. I had a life plan and this was not part of my life plan.
 Then he was born and I knew my life would never be the same again. I can’t explain how much I love this boy here and our daughter. There are no words. Its has been an amazing journey watching him grow up. He is very social, likes having long hair, playing sports and Mind Craft. Although right now he is grounded from video games, he’s not doing so good in math. So we have been focusing on extra math homework. Next year he will hit double digits and I wont be able to believe we’ll have a 10 year old. 
I hope you enjoyed your birthday son, mommy and daddy love you!!

Deal Alert-Too Faced Better Than Chocolate Essentials

Update SOLD OUT!!
Hey guys! Its late I know, but I was taking a break from learning about Final Cut Pro. Browsing online and I came across HSN special today it’s Too Faced Better Than Chocolate Essentials and it includes a 1 year subscription to Glamour. It’s $50 ($103.71 value) includes free shipping and also two different flex pay options. I haven’t bought anything from Too Faced in a while and I have been wanting to try the Better than Sex Mascara.  I just ordered mine cant wait to get my hands on this!! 


Happy shopping!

Juliana Turns 3

Our Juliana finally turned 3!! It was her 1st big party we had for her with all our family and friends. Juli had a lot of fun, we all did! I really wish I would have got better pictures, but it was so hectic that day. I was lucky that I had time to eat. 
She’s into everything, its funny people were asking me what would she like for her birthday. And she is into anything from baby dolls to hot wheels and Spiderman cant for get him. Im very excited to see what the next year brings with a three year old. She is still a ball full of energy. Ive noticed these last couple weeks, she has become a bit whiny and does not like to share. Im not sure if thats just a phase, but we need to work on that. We did not have that problem with Jon. So do any of you have any tips or suggestions?? 
Of course everyone kept asking us when we are going to have another one, but honestly I think we are done. We have a healthy boy and girl, what more could we ask for. I know we are both in our late 20’s and might be too young to say we are done, but Julian is focusing on his career, i’m going back to school full time. Jon is in school all day and has after school activities,  Juli will be hopefully starting preschool in the fall. We believe our family is complete.
Have a nice day!

Monster Jam

Last night we went to the Monster Jam show at the Sleep Train Arena here in Sacramento. We had soooo much fun! It was Jon’s and Juliana’s first time at the show they loved it. They were really into it screaming and yelling for the monster trucks. I thought they would both definitely wake up this morning with sore throats. Juliana did good she’s usually all squirmy in her seat very impatient, but this show she pretty much sat through the whole thing very entertained by the trucks. I really liked the show, definitely recommend you guys should check it out if you get the chance. And it was perfect that it landed on Jon’s birthday made it extra special.
Jons favorite part was the freestyle round when grave digger drove on two wheels he thought the truck was going to flip over. He also said he liked during intermission he was able to go down closer to see and say hi to the drivers. And they all said hi back, that made them even more cool.
Juli’s favorite part she says, when the truck jump high and her ice cream. She’s a few words kind of gal.We also took my nephew Anthony since Julian had to work his favorite part was how high Grave Digger was able to jump and when one of the trucks was doing donuts. 
The show was about 1 1/2 ours long, it was long enough that the kids were completely wiped toward the end so it was a very quiet ride home. Everyone fast asleep.

One last show left today 
Sunday January 25 2:00pm

Sleep Train Arena
1 Sports Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95834

Tickets are available as low as $20 Adults / $10 Kids (ages 2 – 12)!

All tickets $2 more day of show. 

Tickets can be purchased through-Sleep Train Arena box office or online at

Have a lovely Sunday!


I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows. Even though I received these benefits all opinions are 100% mine.

Pretty in Lace

Hope you guys are enjoying your lovely Saturday. This lace dress I got as a Christmas present last year from Julian. I wore it this last weekend to Juliana’s birthday. I think its just super pretty and feminine, and it helps that its flattering to all this weight i’ve been gaining.  I need to get myself together and get back on track again.

I bought this E-book it’s called 4 weeks to fit and gives you a grocery list and  full meal plans for four weeks and an extra three weeks. Im starting it next week along with regular exercise. See if that helps me get back on track. Its been so hard especially since I stopped working. Even though the kids do keep me busy, its just been so hard for me to find a routine and find some balance. I think i’m going to video vlog when I start, on my Youtube channel.

Outfit Details
Lace dress: Forever21+
Blazer & Tights: Target
Booties: H&M
Watch: Random L.A Boutique 
Until next time…

Monster Jam

Years ago I went to my first Monster Jam with my cousins and I remember it was super LOUD, but I had a blast. This weekend Saturday January 24- Sunday January 25, Monster Jam is coming to Sacramento!! And on Saturday it’s Jon’s 9th birthday, so I plan on surprising him with the show. He is going to be so excited its going to be his first time going to Monster Jam. He thinks we’re just going out for a birthday dinner. Seeing monster trucks fly up to 130 feet who wouldn’t have a great time.

Show times and dates

Saturday January 24 2:00pm, 7:30pm
Sunday January 25 2:00pm

Sleep Train Arena
1 Sports Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95834

Tickets are available as low as $20 Adults / $10 Kids (ages 2 – 12)!

All tickets $2 more day of show. 

Pit Passes are available for $10 at the Sleep Train Arena box office or online at

Discounts can be found (While supplies last)

Big O Tires- $8 Adult Discount Coupon – Available in-store December 12th

Ford Dealership- Pick up your free pit pass at your Neighborhood California Ford Dealer – Available starting the week of 1/12/15.

Will any of you guys be going? Have you guys gone to the show before? What was your favorite memory?

Until next time!



I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows. Even though I received these benefits all opinions are 100% mine.

Minnie Piñata

Hello everyone! I know Ive been a little m.i.a, but if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you would know its because i’ve been super busy planning a party. Juliana’s 3rd birthday party to be exact. It was the first time we were going to have a big party for her with both our families and friends. Her first and second birthday were low key since we didn’t have family close by.  Here is the piñata I made for her party. It was my first time giving this a try and might be my last it was quite time consuming, maybe I would make something a little bit smaller.
Total time- 3 hours
I did about an hour a day
Cost- Less than $10
 Supplies Needed
Box cutter/ Precision Knife
Glue (I used Elmer’s Glue)
Crepe streamers (I used 2 pink. 1 black)
Packaging tape for a strong hold
Round all purpose labels (I used Avery 3/4″ diameter)
Black card stock for ears (Optional)
Pink card stock for bow (Optional
I started with an old Home Depot box we had laying around drew on a number 3

Cut out the number three and use it to trace another one and cut that one also.
Cut some extra strips of the cardboard, I cut mine about 2 1/2 inches
Start taping the strips to the sides

It gets a little tricky on the curves, so it helps to fold the cardboard so its easier to work with.
Then just tape the top
Start layering the crepe streamers, I did two layers for the pink the second layer I cut the bottom half of the strip. Then I just added the white Avery dots to the pink section.
I also added the ears made from black card stock and the bow from pink card stock. To the bow I added pink glitter and silver glitter to the center.

All done
What do you guys think? Have you guys ever attempted to make a piñata? I would love to know.
Have a great day!!

The Chair I Found

In the old apartment building we use to live in they had an area where residents could leave furniture they did not want anymore. It’s a wonderful place for someone who likes to up cycle.  Reminds me of all the furniture I had to leave behind, when we made our move. It didn’t all fit in the U-haul, but lets not open that can of worms. I had picked up this chair in that pile when I was dropping something off. Julian looked at me like I was crazy, you have to excuse him he has no imagination. Oh, but when I saw that chair I couldn’t stop thinking of the possibilities. It was just an adorable chair, perfect for Juliana’s room and it was just her size.

That was six months ago that I found that chair, when we moved I just shoved it in the shed and thought i’ll deal with you later. Early December I found myself driving by a Hobby Lobby and had to stop for a quick peak. I could spend hours in that place. I came out with this fabric print at 40% off, I picked up two yards. I paid maybe about $5.00 for the fabric. It was perfect for the chair that I found all those months ago. I know it’s a busy print, but the plan is to keep everything else in Juli’s room pretty simple. The legs I just spray painted them, with some left over turquoise spray paint.

I also changed the padding obviously, and I should really invest in a good staple gun. It was not very fun using my $12.00 one I bought at Walmart. Total time it took me about 2 hours. 


What do you guys think? Not to bad right for my first time doing upholstery.
Have a great day!!

InstaFaves- December

For December here’s a peak at some of my favorite moments,

 I cant believe how fast the month flew by. I want to try to do this recap monthly. It was full of family and lots of yummy food. Excited to see what January and what the rest of the year brings.

Follow me on Instagram!

Wishing you guys a happy and successful New Year!!