Weekend Snaps

Hope you guys enjoyed this long 3day weekend as much as we did. It was a busy one for us. Started off with Jon placing hundreds of flags with his fellow cub scouts/ boy scouts for our fallen soldiers at the Old City Cemetary, it is the oldest cemetery here in Sacramento. Then ending with having dinner at his favorite wing place with his grandparents. 
Saturday we went to the International Kids Festival in William Land park. Kids had a lot of fun, they had a lot of different rides and activities for the kids. Jon tried the rock climbing made it half way. Juliana wanted to try every bounce house they had, even the ones for the big kids, my little dare devil. They also had performers from different nationalities doing multicultural dances. We caught two when we got there, but getting Jon or Juli to stay for anymore with so much going on was impossible. I saw they had a couple food trucks, but we didn’t try any because we were gonna grab something to eat with my mom. 

Sunday, oh boy Sunday it was a very looooong day. It called for a big glass of wine at the end of the day (ok a couple glasses, ok the bottle who was counting, not me) Jon woke up in a mood, he’s a pretty good kid, but occasionally he gets into these moods. That I just cannot deal. He has such a bad attitude and the back talking and mood swings, horrible. We finally managed to leave the house in the afternoon to go to Home Depot, to buy chemicals for our pool that’s turning green. Jon still dragging his feet behind me, complaining about being at Home Depot. My mom calls to see what we were doing, She asked me if we wanted to go to my step brothers soccer game. I said sure, we could use some fresh air. We get to the park and I’m taking out Juliana out of her car seat and she went poop (we’re working on potty training, I thought we had a handle on it.) Yup poop I look behind her and it’s all over her white dress, all over her back, on the car seat. Of course, I don’t have an extra pair of clothes for her. I was lucky to have wipes in my bag. My mom came over and I told her we weren’t going to be able to stay. We got home and hooray I still had to clean the pool because Julian doesn’t get home until night and we were having family over to bbq and swim. That was my Sunday.
Monday was much better had the family over for some good food and some good laughs.

International Kids Fesitval

Memorial Day

My nieces sneaking awkward selfies with my phone

Have a Great Week!!

Next post will be on Thursday May 28

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