Weekend Snaps

Friday I had 2 classes on the Davis campus and I was late for the first time for my math class. Later on Jon had an orientation at his school and we finished it with letting some energy out on the playground.
When we got home I had to pack up and get everything together for the party on Saturday. And last minute on top of everything else I had to get together I decided I wanted to bake something.
Saturday we had to get up too early for a Saturday and head over to my sister in law’s house in Stockton to set up. The party was a lot of fun we had a fiesta for my father in law’s birthday/ retirement party. I will have more details and photos in a later post with the couple mishaps we had. Can’t have a big party with mishaps.

Sunday was just a relaxing day we had stayed the night in Stockton to help clean up the next day. We stayed in our sweats all day, did some ATV riding and ate some yummy leftovers. I was so scared to go on the ATV like if I was going to forget something and end up flying off. The older I get the more paranoid I get doing risky activities.

What did you do this weekend?


First Day Of College

Today was my first day of college, I can’t believe I finally started on my new journey. I had English writing today and my graphic design class. I have been a nervous wreck all weekend. Just wondering what it was going to be like. I don’t like change and like having my routine. Since it has been 10 years since I graduated high school, this was very new to me.

My English Writing teacher seems like she is going to be awesome so down to earth and pretty sarcastic. That class was so packed though I kind of felt like I couldn’t breath. We just went through our class syllabus and did a get to know each other assignment. We played 2 truths and a lie. When it was my turn I said I was a mom of two, 25 years old and a blogger. My lie was I’m 29, but most thought it was I was that I’m a mom of two. I guess I have my mom’s good genes of not looking my age.

My next class I had today was my Graphic Design class for my Graphic Communication Major. This class is a hybrid class of watching the lecture online and then going to class once a week to work on your assignment. So it’s kind of a backward traditional class style. We did the same thing went over the class syllabus and a get to know each other questionnaire. This teacher also seemed pretty down to earth and funny. So far I have gotten lucky with my professors I hope it stays that way because I have two more classes to attend this week Math and a Graphic Illustration class.

This morning I was in a panic because I still didn’t buy a backpack. I went to Target just the other day and didn’t really find anything good. The cute backpack’s they did have honestly did not seem very sturdy for a day like today when I have to carry 4 books and my binder. Which for my first day was totally not necessary, but I wanted to be prepared for anything. I’ll share with you guys what I needed for class.

  • Schedule
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Mints
  • Water Bottle
I had mostly everything on this list and more except for water because I was running late. I completely forgot when I was running out the door. I was so thirsty during class.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?


Shadow Couture World Traveler Palette-Swatches

This Anastasia Beverly Hills Palette is probably my absolute favorite. I was a bit skeptic at first and was gonna pass on this palette because when I first saw it I thought the foiled shadows were more glitter shadows. Like I said they turned out to be more foiled shadows and blend super easily and are so creamy. I’ve played around with the palette a bit I’m gonna try to post a makeup look on Friday. 
Also since having a blogging schedule for the last couple months has helped. Which has been posting every Mon.-Wed.-Fri. I’m going to try to have a schedule on my youtube channel as well uploading every Mon. and Fri. Youtube is pretty time consuming and the only time I really have to sit down and edit for a couple hours is at night without any distraction. I do love the editing process though another way to get my creativity out. Oh and the uploading that is another headache this video was about 3 1/2 minutes and it took about 4 hours to upload.Grrrr. I wonder if there is a time one would recommend uploading? I’m going to look into that. I hope you guys like my little swatch video!
Shadow Couture World Traveler Palette, swatches, abh palette, swatches

Have you guys bought this palette? What are your thoughts on this palette? What is your favorite ABH Palette?

Stay Glam!


Weekend Snaps

We had a pretty relaxed weekend, since our schedules are about to get cray. I start school next week, don’t ask i’m so nervous about it it’s been 10 years since I graduated high school. Jon starts the week after me and with after school activities we’ll be busy. 
Sunday we went to Denio’s Farmers Market we didn’t stay long because it was so hot. The kids did get into these floating balls it was hilarious. Jon could not stand up we were telling him to run like a hamster. We were surprised Juli actually wanted to go into one, we thought she would freak out and start crying. Of course everything her big brother does she wants to do as well. She just sat there floating around while Jon was falling all over the place.
What did you guys do this weekend?

Potty Training- What Worked For Us

Potty training- toddler toilet- mommytips- goodbye diapers- no more diapers- walmart toddler toilet- target toddler toilet seat

When Juliana was 2 I looked at couple tips on how to potty train, but she just did not seem interested. We tried again at 2 and a half, she went a couple times and was excited about it. After a couple times, she was over it and again lost interest. At three I was really starting to get worried that she was not potty trained. Jon was potty trained at 2 and a half. He just decided one day he was going to go to the bathroom. We had our little nephew over that weekend that was potty trained and seeing him go to the bathroom. Jon wanted to do the same. Easy Peasy.

I started to search mommy blogs and forums about some tips, but most of what I saw was my daughter was potty trained at 18 months. Or my son was at 24 months and so on and so on. Panic set in that I was going to be judged at the playground for my 3-year-old still wearing a diaper. Whispers at the grocery store check out that my giant kid is still wearing a diaper.

Then on our local morning news station Good Day Sacramento had a segment. One of their news anchors was also in the same situation and bought a book at Barnes and Noble, something about potty training in 48 hours. By having a treasure box full of little surprises for every time they went to the bathroom. Well, why not gave that a try. One Saturday morning I had a little shoe box all decorated filled with random stuff I bought at the dollar store. It was going good, all weekend asking her if she needed to go to the bathroom. She would say yes and get her surprise, but then she started to go to the bathroom by herself and pop out asking for her surprise. We were so happy she was starting to go by herself.YAY. Then she would go like 15 minutes later and pop out and ask for her surprise. I stood by the door the third time she did this and she was not going to the bathroom she just said she did so she can get her surprise. Fail.

Later that week she had a check up and I was telling her doctor about my panic that potty training was not going so well. She told me not to worry at all when Juli is ready she’ll let me know. That did not sound promising to me. I asked her what does she mean should I look for any specific signs. Again she just said just wait until Juli is ready.

At 3 and a half, we were sitting for dinner and Juli says I have to pee. I flew up and said let’s go to the bathroom. For two weeks after that every hour we asked her if she had to potty. Did she have accidents of course she did, but it was ok we stayed persistent. That was about a month ago we said goodbye to diaper’s. When I was putting away the last couple diapers she did have left away. It hit me wow we are done with diapers. We do not plan on having any more children after it was so hard to get pregnant with Juli. So I had ugly crying face while holding diapers for a couple minutes. It was a very bittersweet moment.

Toilet Seat from Target $12.99
Toddler Toilet from Walmart $11.94

Do you guys have any potty training tips? What worked for you guys?


Weekend Snaps

Saturday we went to one of Julian’s childhood friends daughter’s Baptism in San Jose.

Can we get one good family photo and where’s Jon.
Bad lighting selfie
Bartender Michelada Please!!

The always curious Juli wanted to play poker with daddy and his friends. It was adorable when Julian was done playing and she saw he had no chips. She said hold on daddy I have some in my helmet. Julian was like uh what? She comes back with poker chips her and the other kids were playing with earlier. Hops on his lap and says I have this many. It was adorable!
What did you guys do this weekend?
Have an AWESOME week!

Weekend Snaps

Saturday was my brother in law’s birthday, I went to go pick up his cake and was totally drooling over the desserts they had next to the cakes. I didn’t even get to take a picture of his cake which was a tiramisu cake, that had an adorable mug on top made of chocolate filled with cream.

Sunday my sister in law called me early in the morning asking if we wanted to go to Discovery Park.
I haven’t been there in years and honestly it’s because someone is always drowning and it horrifies me. I don’t know if it’s just here or in all rivers they look calm, but they say the current is extremely strong underneath the water.

You know when you see those teen movies and they always have their hiding spots on the river and get away to go drink or whatever. We never did any of that. My friend Yesenia and I were talking about that not too long ago. None of our friends did that when we were younger because all you ever heard was someone drowning for being careless on the river.

While we were there they were giving away life jackets to everyone to make sure they are safe. Sadly a 23-year-old drowned about a week ago.

I was on top of Jon and Juli making sure they did not go past knee deep of water. I know it may seem a bit obsessive, but I don’t care.

My Gorgeous niece Abby.
Have a fabulous week!!

Day Trippin-San Francisco

It was Julian’s day off and we had absolutely nothing to do, so we decided on a quick day trip to San Francisco. We went the tourists route and hung out at the piers which we never do. We ate all kinds of yummy food, we might have over indulged.

Fresh Beignet’s Delicious. Completely forgot the name of this café.
Took this shot while holding my sun glasses in front of my lense. Came out pretty cool.

Sugar Factory West of the piers. Juli was in heaven!
Hagen Daz
Piere 39
Favorite dumpling place in San Francisco Brandy Ho’s 
Have you guys visited San Francisco lately? What are your must places to visit in SF?
Happy Travels!