Hello 2016



I hope you guys had an awesome holidays and New Year with your family and friends. This New Year we decided to take the kids to Reno for some fun in the snow. We were not prepared it was soo cold we probably only stayed out sledding for 20 minutes. Jon and Juli were shivering so bad, but were not ready to leave so we had to drag them to the car and bribe them with hot chocolate with marshmellows when we got down the mountain.

This New Year my resolution is to get more organized. I feel my life has been all over the place the last couple months since I went back to school. I really didnt think going back to school was going to be such a big deal, but it is very stressfull. Trying to juggle school work, do activities with the kids, blogging, housework. No matter how much I plan I still tend to feel over whelmed. This year organization will be my key.

Juliana will be 4 next week we’ll be having a little get together at our home, i’m busy planning that. Jonathan will be 10 at the end of the month, he wants to have a big party. Im making his invites as soon as im done with this post. I cannot believe 10 already ahhhh.

How was your New Year Celebrations? Do you have any Resolutions?