Our Trip To Rosarito

Downtown Tijuana

We had a great time in Mexico. It’s been 3 years since the last time we went. We ate too much great seafood in Popotla, which is right next to Rosarito. You park right on the beach and have an endless amount of choices on where to eat. And it was sooo cheap we had 2 huge crabs, dozen clams, shrimp cocktail, 2 huge fish with rice and beans a couple beers and soda for about $90. We stayed a little longer than we expected when we finally went to look at our car the tide was about 2 feet away. And there was no other way around to go besides through the water. Someone in a Honda was already stuck so I was already hyperventilating thinking we were going to get stuck as well. We made it though!!!Phew!!
In Rosarito, I finally had a coconut filled with shrimp, mango, cucumber, chips, Tajin and Chamoy. I had a tummy ache after I ate it, but it was so worth it, it was sooo good. I just never indulge like that. It could have also been the 2 mango margarita’s I had right after. Jon and Juli of course, ran wild at the beach, they can swim all day. 
Even though the drive there seemed like it took forever with all the stopping because either Jon and Juli had to go to the restroom. Or the complaining about how far Mexico is and are we there yet? I can’t wait until we go again hopefully, it’s sooner than 3 years.
Until next time!