Weekend Snaps

Find me on Snap Chat @mommynheels

Friday was date night for me and Julian, we went to this Japanese hot pot place in downtown. The food was pretty good and perfect for the cold weather. Saturday was my niece’s 3rd birthday!! We went to that and I had a lot of homework to catch up on. I was pretty much doing all of that Sunday.

Oh, I also finally got to make my diy light ring I’m super excited I can’t wait to show you guys!

What did you guys do this weekend?


Blue Maxi

Top (which is actually a maxi dress I tucked under) Target
Maxi skirt: F21 (2yrs ago)
Clutch : Crossroads
Shoes: Just Fab
Hi everyone so this was an outfit I wore on my birthday June 25th. Finally i’m 28, i’m pretty exited for what this next year might have in store for me and my family. I have really been wanting to do outfit posts of myself for a while but i’m quite shy taking pictures out in public. So now that we have a big backyard ill start taking pictures out there slowly transitioning to taking pictures out in public where I would like. I bought this skirt a while ago, but this is maybe the third time I wear it Julian hates it when I wear maxi dresses or skirts. He says I should just wear a sheet haha (men what do they know)
Have a great day!

Outfit of the day: Don’t tell I wore jeans

Hello!! I know its been a while damn Instagram has got me hooked and since than I have neglected this little blog of mine. Since its my birthday week a new year i’m going to a least try and post once a week.
Since my last post a few months back I have started working again. I work in the multi housing industry its interesting never a dull day thats for sure.Also have started a weightloss journey three weeks ago I started insanity, but missed this whole last week because I had company.  I’ll probably start all over now, also have started to change the wait I eat. That was quite difficult at first since I LOVE sweets but its getting easier.  So anyways this was yesterdays outfit and i’m absolutely never EVER suppose to wear jeans, but these are so dark and thin you cant really tell they are jeans and i’m all by myself in the office sundays so i’m not going to run into anyone. 
Earrings: F21
Blazer: Massimo Target
Top: H&M
Belt: Target 
Jeans: F21


My lil monkeys 6th B-day!!

Yesterday we celebrated our son Jonathan’s 6th birthday. Gosh I cant believe he is 6 years old already time does go by soooo fast. Since most of our friends and family live near or around Sacramento we decided to celebrate at Strikes bowling ally in Elk Grove instead of having everyone come out to the bay area. It was a lot of fun even though I didn’t get to bowl because of my c-section. 
Jon and his fave cousin

One of my besties Yesenia with Juliana

His cake was an ice cream cake from Coldstone it was the red velvet strawberry cake it was absolutely delicious, it didn’t have much decor but none the less it was YUMMY!! 

My parents

Another monster truck to add to his collection 🙂
Have a great week!!