No Brush Makeup Challenge | Collab

Hello all, today I’m doing the No Brush Makeup Challenge. I think the hardest part of this challenge was trying to apply powder foundation. I tried applying a small amount, but it just got everywhere and didn’t look blended at all so I just skipped that step. The end result was a day time smokey eye with a glossy pink lip.

Until next time…

One Brush Makeup Challenge | Collab

Hello all, today I’m doing the One Brush Makeup Challenge. I have to say this was probably the longest it took me to do my make up. I maybe took about an hour to do my full face, what took the longest was applying foundation. To keep the video shorter I sped up some clips and only showed the tutorial applying makeup on one eye. You have no idea of the urge I kept getting to just blend a little with my finger like I sometimes do. I hope you guys enjoy this video don’t forget to check out everyone else’s video in the playlist above.

Have you guys done a makeup challenge before? How did it go?