First Day Of College

Today was my first day of college, I can’t believe I finally started on my new journey. I had English writing today and my graphic design class. I have been a nervous wreck all weekend. Just wondering what it was going to be like. I don’t like change and like having my routine. Since it has been 10 years since I graduated high school, this was very new to me.

My English Writing teacher seems like she is going to be awesome so down to earth and pretty sarcastic. That class was so packed though I kind of felt like I couldn’t breath. We just went through our class syllabus and did a get to know each other assignment. We played 2 truths and a lie. When it was my turn I said I was a mom of two, 25 years old and a blogger. My lie was I’m 29, but most thought it was I was that I’m a mom of two. I guess I have my mom’s good genes of not looking my age.

My next class I had today was my Graphic Design class for my Graphic Communication Major. This class is a hybrid class of watching the lecture online and then going to class once a week to work on your assignment. So it’s kind of a backward traditional class style. We did the same thing went over the class syllabus and a get to know each other questionnaire. This teacher also seemed pretty down to earth and funny. So far I have gotten lucky with my professors I hope it stays that way because I have two more classes to attend this week Math and a Graphic Illustration class.

This morning I was in a panic because I still didn’t buy a backpack. I went to Target just the other day and didn’t really find anything good. The cute backpack’s they did have honestly did not seem very sturdy for a day like today when I have to carry 4 books and my binder. Which for my first day was totally not necessary, but I wanted to be prepared for anything. I’ll share with you guys what I needed for class.

  • Schedule
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Mints
  • Water Bottle
I had mostly everything on this list and more except for water because I was running late. I completely forgot when I was running out the door. I was so thirsty during class.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?