4th Of July | Ice Cream Tacos

Today the kids and I create an easy 4th of July treat. I originally had another idea for this collab, but its just so hot out. We thought something with ice cream would be a lot more enjoyable. I had seen someone make these during a Crystal ice cream segment on a local morning show called Good Day Sacramento. They had used all kinds of fruit and topping, but I wanted to keep this within the 4th of July theme.

Thing you’ll need

-Waffle bowl
-Ice cream

Please share with me if you guys create these ice cream tacos! I would love to see what toppings you guys use.
Have a great long weekend!!

Sopapilla Cheesecake Squares

Sopapilla Cheesecake Squares, mexican dessert, fiesta dessert, cinnamon sugar dessert
   I made these delicious squares for the fiesta we had. I wasn’t even going to take them out to the dessert table because I had left them a little bit too long in the oven. So they were a little burnt on the bottom. I Just cut them and put them on top of the counter. When I came back later that day to grab something, my brother in laws sister was telling me how good they were. I was like really you’re not just saying that because your starving, She said no they were super good then gave one to my niece, who also thought they were delicious. I grabbed one and said ok ill put them on the dessert table.
It did taste really good crunchy at first bite with the cinnamon sugar getting on your lips. Then so moist and buttery like when you bite more inside. They were gone in the blink of an eye. So I would say it was the perfect choice to make for the fiesta.

Sopapilla Cheesecake Squares, mexican dessert, fiesta dessert, cinnamon sugar dessert

Sopapilla Cheesecake Squares, mexican dessert, fiesta dessert, cinnamon sugar dessert

Sopapilla Cheesecake Squares, mexican dessert, fiesta dessert, cinnamon sugar dessert
What is your favorite latin inspired dessert?

Found recipe at Lady Behind the Curtain

Lazy Buñuelos

Yesterday morning while making Jon’s lunch, he comes up to me and says, “Mom by the way I need you to make something for my heritage presentation”  I said ” Ok when is it” Jon “tomorrow” Of course it is. “What should I make” Jon “I don’t know something mexican” Oh gosh just stop talking ill think of something. Last year I made mini Flan cups they were a hit, but he had the same teacher again this year I decided I should probably make something different. I was talking to my mother in law and she said to try to make Buñuelos, I said that sounds good how do you make them.
Her version was 3 hour prep time, this mom did not have time for that I didn’t get off work until 6 and still had to go to the grocery store to pick up some things. So I took a short cut and bought flour tortillas to fry, instead of making the dough from scratch and having it dry for 3 hours.
Recipe (I pretty much just eye balled everything, I try to pretend i’m a cool cook that way)
1 1/2c Coconut oil ( That’s what I had, i’m sure any oil would be fine)
1c Sugar
1tbs Cinnamon ( A good chance I used more)
Flour tortillas
Start by heating the oil in a medium skillet on high heat.While that’s heating up I started to cut the flour tortillas into triangles until I had about 35 triangles. Of course you can cut as many as you’d like,  Jon has 30 kids in his class the five extra were for any mistakes and tasting.
Time for the cinnamon sugar just combine the cinnamon and sugar (smells amazing). Than I dropped the triangle two at a time into the oil turning down the heat to medium. It takes about 10-15 seconds to bubble up the tortilla than I remove and immediately toss them into the cinnamon sugar give them a little shake to remove any excess sugar and place them on a plate (I try very hard not to eat one) and continue this until your all done.Enjoy! 
Jon said they were a hit yay!!!!


Strawberry Chocolate Custard Pie

1 cup all- purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup butter softened
1 egg yolk
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)

Jello chocolate instant pudding

2 tablespoons strawberry jam
2 tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

In a mixer or food processor, combine flour, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)and baking powder. Pulse once or twice. Add butter by tablespoons and process until butter is incorporated and mixture is reduced to small crumbs (it will not form a ball).

Pour crumb mixture into a 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom. Press crumbs gently over the bottom and half-way up sides of pan, approximately 1/8-inch thick. Do not pack mixture down too firmly. Bake for 10 minutes.

Jello traditional Pudding Pie: 

1. Prepare as directed for pudding, reducing milk to 1-3/4 cups. (For fuller pie, use 2 pkg. (4-serving size each) and 2-3/4 cups milk.) 2. Pour at once into 9-inch pie crust. Refrigerate at least 1 hour (3 hours for fuller pie) or until set.

In a small saucepan over medium heat, stir together the jelly and water until syrupy. remove from heat and let cool.

When ready to serve, arrange strawberries as desired on top of the custard. Lightly brush the strawberries with the Fruit Glaze. To serve, lift the pie from the side of the pan and place on a serving dish or cake plate.ENJOY!!

❤ Mayra