Day Trippin-San Francisco

It was Julian’s day off and we had absolutely nothing to do, so we decided on a quick day trip to San Francisco. We went the tourists route and hung out at the piers which we never do. We ate all kinds of yummy food, we might have over indulged.

Fresh Beignet’s Delicious. Completely forgot the name of this café.
Took this shot while holding my sun glasses in front of my lense. Came out pretty cool.

Sugar Factory West of the piers. Juli was in heaven!
Hagen Daz
Piere 39
Favorite dumpling place in San Francisco Brandy Ho’s 
Have you guys visited San Francisco lately? What are your must places to visit in SF?
Happy Travels!

Weekend Snaps

This past weekend our nephew graduated from middle school now he is onto high school. I remember meeting him when he was just around two running around in diapers. I definitely did know back then I would get to see him grow up into a little man.

Saturday morning I went to go buy some donuts from Marie’s Donuts it was just voted #1 donut shop in the Sacramento area. It tasted ok, I don’t know what the big deal is. I tried the cinnamon roll and it had the just slightest taste of cinnamon. Then for good measure I tried their blueberry donut it did melt in my mouth, but again not much for flavor. The prices are reasonable and the staff was nice, so I’ll probably go back and try an apple fritter. Saturday night Julian’s job had a meet up with the managers and the sale staff at an indoor racing place. Happy employee’s work hard.

Sunday the boys went fishing and actually caught something. Julian usually takes Jon and our nephew, they are usually out there for a couple hours and come back with nothing. They were super excited they finally caught something. Later on we had a barbecue and I finally got to eat some guacamole, I have been craving all week.

Have a nice day!

Easter Fun

Easter selfie

Meet Abby the newest member of our family.

Hubby running out of places to hide the eggs
Toddlers up first

 We had such a fun filled Easter weekend! I had misplaced my camera, which is why I’m uploading my pictures so late. Only I can manage to  misplace a big DSLR camera.
 We started our Easter festivities on Saturday attending the State Capitol egg hunt sponsored by Blue Heart International which helps victims of human trafficking. They wanted to break the Guinness world record for the most hidden easter eggs. They had over 500,000 eggs, but the record was not broken. I heard the news that the shipping was delayed on the eggs, so the event didn’t qualify.
 I expected it to be packed, but not as much as it was there were thousands of people. I heard there was major chaos during the VIP egg hunt parents trampling over kids. We did the free egg hunts the kids had fun got lots of eggs. After you would exchange the eggs at different stations for handfuls of candy. They also had different activities jump houses, face painting, and different food trucks, but like I said it was just soo packed we didn’t stay too long after the egg hunt.

On Easter, we went to visit my sister in law in Stockton for some delicious food and more egg hunting. Juli is obsessed with eggs since surprise eggs became a thing on YouTube. I really wanted to buy her Kinder eggs, but I could not find any anywhere.They are chocolate eggs with a surprise inside. We had a great time with family ate too much food and way too many sweets.

Have a nice day!

There was Snow

Last week we planned a quick family getaway. We passed through Boreal and to our surprise there was snow. We thought it had all melted away already since there hasn’t been a storm in a while. We were completely unprepared to play in the snow, but of course Jon and Juli wanted to play for at least a little bit. It’s been about two years since we last went to the snow. Jon went crazy and was all over the place exploring and throwing snowballs. Juli, on the other hand after five minutes, was kind of over it.  It was so beautiful, we love being outdoors. 

Have a nice day!

Bishops Pumpkin Farm

I seriously cannot believe I have never been to Bishops Pumpkin Farm. When my sister in law was telling me about it, I had no idea where or what she was talking about. Than she was telling me to pack for an all day thing, I was really confused. Than we arrived, and wow it was a huge farm with soo much going on. The kids were in heaven and running wild.

 Merry go round she went on like 5 times

 No don’t pick the flowers

 My little dare devil

We had an amazing time and everyone was completely wiped out when it was time to leave.
Until next time!!

Apple Hill

Pretty cool Jonathan picking Jonathan apples haha!
My brother in law giving Julie a hand.

Julie she had a wild day look at those knees.

Pumpkin apple pie, It was sooooo good!
We had such a blast at Apple Hill and the weather was actually perfect. It was cloudy with a little bit of rain. Last year when my sister in law went it was 90 degrees, so it really didn’t feel like fall at all. This was my my second time going to Apple Hill and it was Jon and Julie’s first time. They loved it running around while picking apples in the mud nothing better for them.I swear sometimes I think we belong on a farm, where they can run wild and free all day.
 They even have an app now to take you to all the different ranches because they have over 50 different ranches. Lastly we picked up a pie because you just have to, we picked it up at Abel’s Acers a pumpkin apple pie. The crust on this pie OMG so delicious you guys. I thought I would be a little put off with the filling pumpkin and apples. Because of the different texture, it was very good the apples were soft, but that crust yummies!!!
Have a great day!


Quick Get Away

My amateur photographer moment 🙂 this lake about 1 1/2 hours away from Vegas just looked unreal, with amazing reflection against the clouds and the mountains.

Are we there yet?

We really were craving to try Carlos Bake Shop, but of course it being a tourist attraction the line was long a little over a hour wait. Being with a group not everyone wanted to wait that long especially with little ones. So we told ourselves we would wake up early on our last day and make a stop here, that never happened.Bummer!

It was a fun mini vaca with the kids, they had a blast with their cousins. We didn’t do anything spectacular (It was very hot and humid) mostly went swimming, some sight seeing found a delicious hidden gem . Well Julian found a place called Chile Verde, while searching for Mexican food. On the way there he throws at us by the way its at a gas station, we’re like oh next to the gas station he said no inside the gas station. We all looked at each other like great this place must not be that great than. 
We arrived yup its inside the gas station, to the left was Chile Verde Express looked pretty modern and clean one guy cooking and taking orders. He was very polite and the food was just delicious we all ordered a chile verde burrito except Jon he wanted the nachos which were piled very high we all got to enjoy them. The burrito wasn’t that spicy so they had red salsa on hand that had a little kick to it. I will definitely be going back someday. Cant wait for our next vaca 🙂

 Until next time..

Favorite moments: April

Our day at the beach sooo much fun!


Our princess always dressing up in Julian’s shoes or hats
Jon on his class door for teacher appreciation week he sure is awesome and fun!
We finally got our keys to our home!!
My mother in law Gloria’s birthday, thanks to technology other family members got to face time and sing happy birthday (excuse our packing mess)
Blurry picture but right before Juliana bursted into tears for Julian smearing cake on his moms face.
Last week Gisele started acting very strange and not her normal playful self at all. All she wanted to do was sleep wasn’t eating and started vomitting. Julian took her to the vet, they said she had an infection and we had to give here daily shots at home and give her an IV (it was quite strange having to play nurse) so she can stay hydrated. I can finally say as of three days ago she seems all better. Back to her playful self playing with Sophie and Chloe, waking us up with her sweet kisses. 
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Beach Day


This past Monday it was such a nice warm day out we decided to take Juliana and Jonathan to the beach. We were going to go to Half Moon Bay, but as we were driving on highway 1 we came across Pacifica State Beach. It looked pretty nice and it didn’t seem so crowded (of course not it was a Monday afternoon) We decided to give it a try since our navigation said we still had about an hour left to get to HMB and the little ones had already started with the are we there yet every five minutes. 
The water was freezing and the only one brave enough to go in was Jon. Juliana did not even want to put on her swim suit all she wanted to do was run back and fourth making sure the waves did not catch her it was the cutest thing. Julian decided to lay out and even out his tan big mistake poor guys is still all burned. I wish we would have taken our dogs that would have been fun seeing them splash around the water. It was a really nice and relaxing time I wish we did stuff like this more often.
Btw did you guys check out that building that is a Taco Bell believe it or not what a great view!
I wouldn’t mind having a romantic dinner there.
Hope your enjoying your day!

Favorite moments: March

I want to start a new monthly segment on this little blog of mine where I look back at a few of my favorite photos that I captured the previous month because everyone know i’m constantly snapping away taking pictures of everything. It drives Julian crazy (maybe that’s a little why I do it….kidding!) Jon and Juliana are just growing up so fast, I don’t want to forget even the small things that they do.
Our new puppy Gisele shes an American Bulldog and has almost grown double her size in one month.
The Electric bounce house concert, gosh that night was soooo much fun!
I love even though they have a 6 year age gap they still manage to play well together ((sometimes))
Jon saying “I’m king of the world” even though he has never ever seen Titanic.
Our first bike ride together, the weather was just gorgeous on this Sunday!
Have a great month!