Family fun: Golden gate park

Hi! San Francisco how we love going there wish we had the chance to visit more often since we live so close. We had a late start this day so we only planned on going to Golden gate park and out to eat, and I was going to try to squeeze in going to Smitten ice cream shop have any of you guys tried their ice cream its made to order using liquid nitrogen. My brother in law was the one who told me about it he says its super creamy and delicious. But we did not make it by the time we went out for dinner, we went to this chinese place Julian kept raving about that has really good dumplings. By the time we were done it was way to cold for ice cream and the kids were already pretty tired. So we just decided to head back home, ill have to try it some other day 🙂
Until Next time…

Family Fun: Del Osso’ family farm

Hi! this past weekend we finally decided to go out to the pumpkin patch. We really  had our hopes on going to the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay, but you really have to leave really early so you don’t get stuck in traffic (one way lanes each way) I really wanted to sleep in since it was Sunday I usually have to go to work. Have I mentioned how mush I hate working on weekends. It sucks especially during this time of year all the festivals they have. But anyways we decided we would go to the Dell Osso’ family farm you have probably seen it before near I-5 and I-205. I’ve seen it tons of times when we use to live in Sacramento and would come down here to the bay area. We would always say we need to go stop and visit, but for some reason we never did even during Christmas they have it all decorated. 

It was supper warm this day which made it feel like we we at the pumpkin patch in the middle summer. I went all bundled up in boots even and I should have been wearing a summer dress it was so that hot. The maze was fun we got lost over and over again apparently we cant read maps and have depended far too much on our talking GPS when it comes to directions. So after 30 minutes of feeling like we were going in circles we decided to retrace our steps and get out of their. We were surprised at the amount of activities they had here I never knew they had so much to do. The little ones had tons of fun and we were there for quite a a few hours til late in the evening. I would defiantly  recommend this patch to anyone.
Until next time…

Family fun: Disney Vacation

Hello! cant sleep tonight so I finally got to downloading my pictures all 354 of them since last october onto my laptop. Also watching some movie on Lifetime that sucked me in. Anyways  i’m horrible at transferring my pictures even worse at printing them I don’t even remember the last time I printed pictures. So what are you guys up to this late night 🙂
These are obviously of our family vacation to Disneyland and California adventure we took in late April. It was Julian and Juliana’s first time (I know he’s never been to Disneyland, I couldn’t believe it either) It was my third time and Jon’s second time me and Jon went on a quick mommy and son trip to disney about two years ago. We had a great time of course how cant we its Disneyland, weather was nice not too hot and it wasn’t so packed that we had to wait in line for hours. My coworker who loves Disney, Actually she just got married there in May, recommended we go March/ April because its not so packed. 
Julian and Jon actually liked California Adventure more than Disney (must be a guy thing) I do have to say Cars Land was pretty amazing!!!
We also did the character dinning it was included in our vacation package. It was fun for the experience but the food was not that great it was buffet style American/ Spanish/ Chinese type food and the dessert was really nice looking but also didn’t taste that great. But the kids really enjoyed it.

Until next time Disney!

Our trip Las Vegas to Los Angeles good times!!

So we had a blast on our trips first stop was Vegas for three days and we did take Jon and Juliana because we went with Julians brother and his wife who took their three teenagers. Like I said it was a LOT of FUN it has probably been two years since we last went to Vegas. We did a lot of sight seeing believe it or not iv’e been to Vegas a lot, but  never went to the Fremont experience until this trip. Jon loved it of course all the lights and the zip line that goes right down the middle. We went out to two night clubs because we LOVE to dance we went to Vanity the first night inside The Hard Rock and the second night we went to Pure inside Ceasars Palace which was very nice with a great view of the strip. The one thing I didn’t like was how hot it was oh boy was it hot even at night 100 degrees thats my only complain about Vegas. Me and heat do not go well together I become a monster just ask Julian. We ate all kinds of food, but before we left we had to stop at Hash house a gogo the one inside China palace that hotel/casino is not the nicest looking but you guys have to try this place food is very good they give you ginormous portions from around $10-$15 me and julian always share the chicken and waffle btw the waffles have a bacon strip stuffed inside (I love something sweet and savory) and Jon had the huge chocolate chip pancake.
On to Los Angeles we stayed there 2 days, I have to say each time I come here I fall more and more in love with it. There is just so much to do and everything is opened late (we’re night people) I love to people watch in this city because there is just so much diversity and all kinds of personal style. Of course we walked down Hollywood blvd Jon likes to hop on all the stars, he was like why aren’t there stars on our side walk where we live haha. We finally got to hike up to the Hollywood sign totally unprepared, but we did it anyways its about two miles up up and up the view from the top was just amazing I just wish it was a clear day, but it was super humid. 
After nothing better than to go to Roscoe ‘s chicken and waffles Julian loves their chicken I really like their waffles, oh I also had tried this Vegan   place in Studio city called KineKreme I got their coconut soft serve ice cream very creamy and oatmeal cookie sooo yummy both full of so much flavor  pretty expensive though $4 for a scoop cookie $2. Had a great time with my family created a lot of great memories and Julian was finally able to relax without thinking about work or getting tons of calls about work so that was very nice to see. I love seeing my husband laugh and enjoying life without having to worry about the day to day stuff even though its just for that moment.
Hope you guys are enjoying your summer!!


On vacation we go!!

Hey ladies finally I will be getting away I love the bay area but its nice of course to get away…I will be leaving tonight headed to Vegas for the weekend and than Los Angeles for the rest of next week. Not looking forward to the heat but its a sacrifice i’m willing to make 🙂 If you guys have any places I have to check out please do tell!! I will be sharing all my photos and any goodies I buy when I come back next week. Of course I will be updating my instagram username MOMMYNHEELS.

( This was the last time we went and did a bus tour in L.A.)

The best kind of fun!

 Hi! it was such a nice day out today not so hot. So we decided to go have lunch at heather farms park where I usually go running. Its so nice there a lot to explore  when Jon gets bored on the play ground. I love watching him explore using his imagination, makes me feel like i’m doing a good job. I had a great imagination when I was little maybe because I was an only child. But things were different than we didn’t have all these vast variety of electronics that we have now {gosh I felt old for a moment}. So I think thats what I love the most that even though we have all these electronics he still would rather be outdoors!! I hope that last!