Favorite moments: April

Our day at the beach sooo much fun!


Our princess always dressing up in Julian’s shoes or hats
Jon on his class door for teacher appreciation week he sure is awesome and fun!
We finally got our keys to our home!!
My mother in law Gloria’s birthday, thanks to technology other family members got to face time and sing happy birthday (excuse our packing mess)
Blurry picture but right before Juliana bursted into tears for Julian smearing cake on his moms face.
Last week Gisele started acting very strange and not her normal playful self at all. All she wanted to do was sleep wasn’t eating and started vomitting. Julian took her to the vet, they said she had an infection and we had to give here daily shots at home and give her an IV (it was quite strange having to play nurse) so she can stay hydrated. I can finally say as of three days ago she seems all better. Back to her playful self playing with Sophie and Chloe, waking us up with her sweet kisses. 
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Favorite moments: March

I want to start a new monthly segment on this little blog of mine where I look back at a few of my favorite photos that I captured the previous month because everyone know i’m constantly snapping away taking pictures of everything. It drives Julian crazy (maybe that’s a little why I do it….kidding!) Jon and Juliana are just growing up so fast, I don’t want to forget even the small things that they do.
Our new puppy Gisele shes an American Bulldog and has almost grown double her size in one month.
The Electric bounce house concert, gosh that night was soooo much fun!
I love even though they have a 6 year age gap they still manage to play well together ((sometimes))
Jon saying “I’m king of the world” even though he has never ever seen Titanic.
Our first bike ride together, the weather was just gorgeous on this Sunday!
Have a great month!