Casual Sequins

One of my favorite go-to outfits is throwing on a loose top, roll up pants and flats or sandals. Less than five minutes to change and I’m out the door.  Most mornings when I take Jon to school that is what you will find me in. Like I have probably mentioned before, I do not leave the house in my comfy sweats. I have a fear that for some reason I may have to get down at Jons school or what if I get a flat tire and have to get out of the car and there I am in my old comfy sweats. I have had nightmares of this.
This top from Kohls, I always get so many compliments when I wear it. When people ask me where I got it and I tell them, they always say the same thing, they can  never find anything when they go to Kohls. They are not alone being at Kohls kind of overwhelms me, not as much as forever 21, but pretty close. On the Plus side looking through all the racks you can find some pretty good deals like this top I bought it for $12.
Outfit details
Top: Kohls Apt.9
Pants: Forever 21
Sandals: Wet Seal
Have a great  evening!


Next post will be on Friday June 12