Weekend Snaps

Find me on SnapChat @mommynheels

I had class yesterday and so much school work to get done yesterday, which is why this post is a day late. Which reminds me I need to update you guys on my college life. At a later time this week.
We had an awesome Halloween weekend in San Jose. Some of our friends were having a family friendly Halloween party and we jumped on the chance to go. I did get a chance to take the kids trick or treating for a little bit. I really didn’t want to take them too long, I didn’t want them to get a lot of candy because when we went to the Funderland event they got so much.
How do you guys like my make up? I ended up having to do it in the car on the way to San Jose because I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I don’t think it came out too bad for doing it pretty much in the dark.
How was your Halloween weekend?

Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm

Choo choo
 Lama with an attitude she did not like the palettes just the veggies and she let you know it.

She’s an animal lover like me!

Found one of our pumpkins
Will I ever get a perfect picture of these two? This was the best out of like 20 haha.
We had a great time at the patch this year, it was definitely a lot better going during the week. A lot fewer people compared to last year when we went on a Sunday and the weather actually felt like fall this year. If you do go on the weekend they do have the piglet races, the kids thought that was pretty cool last year. I’m really enjoying Halloween this year both Jon and Juli are super into it.      
Where’s your favorite pumpkin patch?

Until next time..


Costume party! 1920’s girl

Hello! Last week I went to a last minute costume party that my friend Karen’s daughter decided to have that morning.  Jon and her daughter went to kindergarten for like 5 minutes together before he got transferred to our choice school. Well he made a lasting impression on her she calls him Jonathan James (not his name lol) and so he was invited to her costume party, where I ran into another friend Ana and she invited Julian and I to her brothers costume party this last Saturday.  
I really didn’t plan to do anything this Halloween besides taking the little ones trick or treating. So of course I had no costume, and have you gone to any of the costume stores this close to Halloween it is a total mad house. We decide anyways to go Spirit on Wednesday to see what they have I had no idea what I even wanted to dress up as. I finally see a flapper dress and thought oh that’s pretty cute did not really care for the $49.99 price tag for such a cheap costume but I was already flustered, and of course they don’t have my size all they had was small grrrr. Gave up and left went to Target the next day found Julian’s costume, but nothing for me. Finally Saturday as I was getting ready for work I decided I finally need a coat because its too cold outside I go back into my closet and I see this lace dress I completely forgot I had. I wore it I believe last new years eve. I thought this is perfect to dress up as maybe the 20’s  era, I looked over to my accessories and found a head piece but no long strands of pearls. So one last quick trip after work to target and my costume was finally complete. I was so proud of my self. What do you guys think of my costume??
 The party was tons of fun of course, I liked seeing all the different costumes I was surprised Karen was able to find and finish her corpses bride costume she looked great.
Happy Halloween!!
Until next time!