Breakfast Fruit Smoothie Made With Glucerna

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GlucernaContigo #CollectiveBias 

I would like to get up to a nice hearty breakfast, who wouldnt. With the weather getting colder I hit the snooze button a little longer than I would like to admit. Just so I can have extra minutes snuggled in bed. Mornings like that I like to go for an easy breakfast smoothie to go. Something simple using Glucerna it’s a smart way to help get the right kinds of carbs throughout the day.

I enjoy Glucerna it has a yummy taste and I’ve also introduced it to my mother and father in law when they moved in with us a couple moths ago. Did you know an estimated that 57 million people have pre-diabetes in the US, and 35% are estimated to be Hispanic. My mother and father in law are two of those people and being their age it’s hard to change your eating habbits. They enjoy eating arroz, frijoles, tortillas, chicharones or anything fried. Who doesnt like to indulge once in a while, i’m guilty of it, but not all the time.It’s just how they were raised and what they know. Since they have moved it with us they like the healthier alternatives that I use and that makes us all very happy.
When I went to Walmart yesterday to pick up some supplies for our camping trip this weekend. I picked up a couple cans of Glucerna Snack Shakes in their Vanilla flavor. You can find in the health and beauty area in the diabetic aisle. They have a variety of products not just shakes that help manage your blood sugar levels called Carbsteady helps minimize blood sugar spikes or just help maintain your weight. They also have a meal plan on their site. It’s very useful to use a meal plan especially if you are just staring on your health journey.
Smoothie Ingredients
-1 8oz Can of Glucerna Vanilla Snack Shake
-Handful of Kale
-1/2 cup of cut Mango
-1/2 cup of Strawberries
-1/2 cups of Oats
-Ice (optional)

Combine all the ingredients in the blender 
 Blend and Enjoy!

Let me save you some money with this $1 off coupon 

Would you like to get more information about Glucerna and the amazing array of shakes and nutritional bar options at Or check out their funny Steady Ahead Video

Have an awesome day!


Today is the day….

Hello everyone I know I haven’t posted much this last month but like I stated in a previous post i’m really trying to concentrate on my new healthy clean eating lifestyle. Which is VERY hard by the way though its getting easier as time goes on. I started running about three weeks ago which I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself this is horrible I need to quit, this not worth all this pain, i’m tired I cant finish any excuse in the book to just quit. Like I have done many many times before, but not this time I continue to push my self I tell myself I can do it. Yes my body aches from all kinds of places but I know it will all be worth it at the end. So I started with exercising and today is the day I start my clean eating i’m not going to be counting calories i’m just going to be eating more veggies, fruits and portion control especially being more aware of what goes into my mouth. If you guys follow my instagram I post a lot of what I eat on there and I also follow a lot of fitness clean eating people on there that are a HUGE inspiration. So wish me luck and of course i’ll be keeping you updated, and if you are on a weight loss journey I wish you the best because you are worth it!!!

Here are some inspirational photos from my pinterest 🙂


I NEED TO LIVE MORE HEALTHIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after breakfast I turned on the TV even though I had a bunch of laundry to put away( I hate putting laundry away ugh)…Any who I was flipping channels and I came across the new lifetime series “COOK YOURSELF THIN” I got really into it….The recipes looked soo YUMMY
with like half the calories of the normal way to prepare food…So i’m def. going to try some out..I really want to start thinking of my health and want to start living a healthier life style to be a better role model for my son so he doesnt get bad eating habbits..Ive been off and on diets for like uhhhhhh 5 yrs now and tried my lose it right away pills diets etc. but the weight always comes back..But im not like most girls that jux hate being over weight or have low self esttem becuz of being over weight….I think I look Fabulous and have one of the best self esteems from a lot of ppl I know..It doesnt bother me and being over weight has never stopped me from persuing or going after whatever I wanted.But I know its jux not healthy especially as I get older its only bound to cause health problems right…..So I dont even know where to start……………I guess by jux eating healthier??????????? any ideas…….I think im going to keep a food journal, Should I have it on my blog ummm probly not thats probly embarrasing some days I eat alot especially like at family gatherings which is once or twice a week….well I should put this laundry away…….TOOLDES!!