DIY Wall Gallery

In today’s video I decided to change up my gallery wall with some images to inspire me, I found online. I like having a pretty space to look at while blogging or editing a YouTube video. It just makes me feel a little bit more motivated. The frames I’ve had some for years they are from Walmart, Target, and Ross. As you can see it took me a couple try’s when I was trying figure out what layout to go with. I still don’t know if I’m completely happy with it I plan to add more frames maybe 3 or 4.

I hope you all enjoy this DIY!

My Holiday Wishlist 2014

My Holiday Wishlist

1. Lorac Pro Palette, I’ve had my eye on this palette forever. I don”t even know if  they even have the first one, I believe they are limited addition. You can let me know if i’m wrong. I love this palette has both the same amount of shimmer shades as well as matte. 

2. Too Faced Chocolate bar 2, I remember a while back when I was buying my Naked 2 palette. I had taken a photo of both palettes side by side and posted it to my Instagram. Asking which one should I buy and I got few comments saying definitely the Naked palette. The Chocolate bar was not worth the price, but recently I’ve been back to watching YouTube videos again (since I want to start making videos again) And a lot of girls on there have been using the Too faced palette 1 and I have been loving their looks.

3.Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour palette, I don’t know why I still haven’t bought this yet. Must have!!

4.Smaller Flat head foundation brush, Just until recently I decided I need to add this to my collection. A smaller flat  brush to apply my liquid foundation on a little better especially my matte finishing ones. 

5.While cooking or cleaning up, I really like listening to music or catching up on one of my many shows that I need to catch up on. So I could really use a bluetooth speaker. My phone or Ipad is just not loud enough. Plus something small we can carry to the lake would be great.

6. Statement necklace just because they look AWESOME!

7.Love this coat! Ok, I love any over sized coat. Regretting giving my long black one to my mother in law last year.

8. Black booties, Oh the joy of having pets Gisele chewed up my favorite pair,

9. Small dainty rings, I really like how they look.

10. I’m not much of a sneaker girl as you can probably tell, but having some classics never hurt. Especially pairing them up with ripped jeans and a tee.

What’s on your wishlist this year??

Happy Holidays!!

Pretty Spaces: Thanksgiving Table

I just realized I have not done a pretty spaces post in a while, any who. This Thanksgiving we will be at my sister in laws house, here in Sacramento. Maybe later in the day going to my grandmas house, not sure yet. Its funny though because somehow within the lasts couple months my sister in law’s dinning table chairs have been breaking (no idea, hectic household like mine haha). Her table is down to 3 from 5 chairs and one is missing the back. Its been a joke in our family that we must bring a side dish and our own chair this Thanksgiving. Did I forget to mention she has the table full of center pieces and crafts because she is the one having the quinceñiera next month. So I am really curious to see her table scape for tomorrow.

I hope you guys all enjoy your time with your family or friends tomorrow.

Coastal Table
For the kids
Happy Feasting!
*These photos do not belong to MayrainHeels, they have links to their owners.

Creative space

After finally putting everything up in the rest of the house, I finally got around to finishing my desk. I found it unfinished it used to be white and beige and very beat up. I wanted to keep it white, but surprise when I came home from work Julian and Jon had already started painting it black. Everything in our apartment was black all of our furniture, so when we bought our home I really wanted to lighten it up. Since they had already started painting it black I didn’t want to change it. 
I put it in front of our bedroom by the window. Which i’m still trying to decide what kind of curtains to put up there. All the frames are from Ikea except the one with the lime green trim that one is from Hobby Lobby. It used to be orange with the lime green trim, I got it because it was on clearance for $1 maybe because it was lime green and orange or because of the chip it has at the bottom. I had extra black paint so I just painted it. 
I really like how this space came out, when I sit here to blog or class work I feel very creative. Now I just have to get a comfy chair.
Owl, Flowers & Basket: Hobby Lobby
Vase, desk lamp & Heart print: Ikea
Mini vases: Target dollar section
Mirror: TJ Max
Happy decorating!


Pretty Spaces -Gallery walls

Ciao, Chessa
Home Goods
Tatertots and Jello

Live creating yourself


Better homes and gardens


The Blue house Chronicles

Julian and I have finally decided its time to buy our first home. We are just about outgrowing our apartment we have been in for almost 3 years. The little ones need more space especially a yard to run wild and free, and i’m sure our two chihuahuas wouldn’t mind either. So of course I have been OBSESSED with looking at decorating ideas. We found a home last week it was the second home we looked at and put in an offer. It was just accepted, so we should be home owners within the next 30 days. We really were not expecting a smooth fast process like this like at all. I have friends who have been looking and biding house after house and still no luck. Apparently the real estate market has been picking up,we thought that was just here in the bay area, but apparently in Sacramento also. Oh yeah forgot to mention we are moving back to Sacramento. Its time and have you seen house prices in the east bay we would be lucky enough to even find something and it would most likely be a fixer upper for like $300,000. No thank you! and I do miss Sacramento my family and my friends.
Back to decorating since its our first house we wanted to start off with something small and cozy with a big yard and we were luck enough to find just that. I love gallery walls at the moment in our apartment we have a little gallery behind our big couch a mix of family photos and Jons artwork ( I swear its taking over the house) all in black frames. I should have just took a picture, and by my desk I have framed fashion drawing that I just printed from online in black frames also.While searching I found that the easiest way to decide how you want to arrange your photos is by tracing the frame on paper and than taping the paper or you can use contact paper on the wall until you find the way you would like your frames arranged. I’m not sure yet what i’ll be doing in the new place still have to think about it, but of course ill post photos.

*These photos do not belong to me I found them searching online and have links to where I found them.