Jonathan turns 9

Our not so little (anymore) boy Jonathan turned 9 on the 24th. I took this picture yesterday and looking at it, he just looks so grown up to me, I couldn’t believe it. I started looking back at pictures when he was a baby and toddler. And started thinking back to when we found out we were pregnant with Jon and I started crying. We were both just 19 that feels like 100 years ago. I was a complete different person then. We were scared, we were going to bring this whole other person into this world. We were going to be responsible for raising him and building his character. What if we messed up, it was going to be our fault. What if I didn’t have an immediate bond with him, what if I suffered from postpartum depression. To be honest I was never much of a baby person, I was an only child, I didn’t think I ever wanted kids. I was a very selfish person. I had a life plan and this was not part of my life plan.
 Then he was born and I knew my life would never be the same again. I can’t explain how much I love this boy here and our daughter. There are no words. Its has been an amazing journey watching him grow up. He is very social, likes having long hair, playing sports and Mind Craft. Although right now he is grounded from video games, he’s not doing so good in math. So we have been focusing on extra math homework. Next year he will hit double digits and I wont be able to believe we’ll have a 10 year old. 
I hope you enjoyed your birthday son, mommy and daddy love you!!