Potty Training- What Worked For Us

Potty training- toddler toilet- mommytips- goodbye diapers- no more diapers- walmart toddler toilet- target toddler toilet seat

When Juliana was 2 I looked at couple tips on how to potty train, but she just did not seem interested. We tried again at 2 and a half, she went a couple times and was excited about it. After a couple times, she was over it and again lost interest. At three I was really starting to get worried that she was not potty trained. Jon was potty trained at 2 and a half. He just decided one day he was going to go to the bathroom. We had our little nephew over that weekend that was potty trained and seeing him go to the bathroom. Jon wanted to do the same. Easy Peasy.

I started to search mommy blogs and forums about some tips, but most of what I saw was my daughter was potty trained at 18 months. Or my son was at 24 months and so on and so on. Panic set in that I was going to be judged at the playground for my 3-year-old still wearing a diaper. Whispers at the grocery store check out that my giant kid is still wearing a diaper.

Then on our local morning news station Good Day Sacramento had a segment. One of their news anchors was also in the same situation and bought a book at Barnes and Noble, something about potty training in 48 hours. By having a treasure box full of little surprises for every time they went to the bathroom. Well, why not gave that a try. One Saturday morning I had a little shoe box all decorated filled with random stuff I bought at the dollar store. It was going good, all weekend asking her if she needed to go to the bathroom. She would say yes and get her surprise, but then she started to go to the bathroom by herself and pop out asking for her surprise. We were so happy she was starting to go by herself.YAY. Then she would go like 15 minutes later and pop out and ask for her surprise. I stood by the door the third time she did this and she was not going to the bathroom she just said she did so she can get her surprise. Fail.

Later that week she had a check up and I was telling her doctor about my panic that potty training was not going so well. She told me not to worry at all when Juli is ready she’ll let me know. That did not sound promising to me. I asked her what does she mean should I look for any specific signs. Again she just said just wait until Juli is ready.

At 3 and a half, we were sitting for dinner and Juli says I have to pee. I flew up and said let’s go to the bathroom. For two weeks after that every hour we asked her if she had to potty. Did she have accidents of course she did, but it was ok we stayed persistent. That was about a month ago we said goodbye to diaper’s. When I was putting away the last couple diapers she did have left away. It hit me wow we are done with diapers. We do not plan on having any more children after it was so hard to get pregnant with Juli. So I had ugly crying face while holding diapers for a couple minutes. It was a very bittersweet moment.

Toilet Seat from Target $12.99
Toddler Toilet from Walmart $11.94

Do you guys have any potty training tips? What worked for you guys?


Juliana Turns 3

Our Juliana finally turned 3!! It was her 1st big party we had for her with all our family and friends. Juli had a lot of fun, we all did! I really wish I would have got better pictures, but it was so hectic that day. I was lucky that I had time to eat. 
She’s into everything, its funny people were asking me what would she like for her birthday. And she is into anything from baby dolls to hot wheels and Spiderman cant for get him. Im very excited to see what the next year brings with a three year old. She is still a ball full of energy. Ive noticed these last couple weeks, she has become a bit whiny and does not like to share. Im not sure if thats just a phase, but we need to work on that. We did not have that problem with Jon. So do any of you have any tips or suggestions?? 
Of course everyone kept asking us when we are going to have another one, but honestly I think we are done. We have a healthy boy and girl, what more could we ask for. I know we are both in our late 20’s and might be too young to say we are done, but Julian is focusing on his career, i’m going back to school full time. Jon is in school all day and has after school activities,  Juli will be hopefully starting preschool in the fall. We believe our family is complete.
Have a nice day!

Fab Kids- Juliana

About a month ago I was placing an order on Just Fab and when I finished my order a link for Fab kids popped up they were having a sale 2 of their outfits  for $29.99. I decided to give them a try I picked up this outfit for Juliana and another one for Jonathan (Ill do a separate post for his, he hasn’t worn his yet) If you havent heard of Fab kids it is a subscription site and they bill you $29.99 or you can always choose more items. If you do not want to be charged you just have to skip that month by the 5th of every month. I was a little skeptical, I really thought the material was going to be very flimsy and fall apart after the first wash. Its already been through two washes and still in good condition as for the sizes Juliana is a 2t-3t, this outfit I ordered was 3t and as you can see fits her a little big. I would say I was pretty satisfied with Julianas

Happy 1st of July

Minnie Love

I fell for her tantrum at Target all I wanted to do was take her a cute picture with a few over sized stuffed animals and when we were all done. Cute picture uploaded to Instagram, I went to put the stuffed animals away and as soon as I grabbed Minnie, she said no Minnie. Uhhh ok, but Minnie has to go back to her friends and so the tantrum begins. There we were in the middle of Target and Juliana is crying at the top of her lungs to give Minnie back, I just wanted to hide behind a shelf I was so embarrassed. She has not done this to me before I gave in got her the Minnie. She was so exited when we left she was hugging Minnie the whole time it was so cute. 
When we move i’m taking a little break from working and focusing on school and Jon and Juliana. I cant wait these last two years working time has gone by so fast. They are growing up so fast I feel like i’m missing everything and I really hate that.
By the way this photo was taken with my new DSLR camera!! Finally I took the plunge for mothers day and bought the Nikon 3200, I heard its a very good camera for a first timer like myself just getting into photography. I was a bit over whelmed when I first took it out of the box I have so much to learn. I’ve been learning a lot of tips though from Pinterest and Click it up a Notch.
Enjoy the rest of you Saturday its going to be a hot one 

Its friday YAY!!! Giveaway soon!!

Juliana turned 2 months earlier this week, I cant believe how alert she seems she’s starting to look at your mouth when you talk and smile at you when you smile at her. I try to think back to when Jon was a baby and things he did at different stages, I cant really remember I feel horrible the whole time he was a baby seems like a whole blur and I don’t know why. I think I was just so consumed by making sure he was healthy, safe, germ free, not sick, in other words very paranoid that I didn’t get to enjoy his first months. Until I look at photos and i’m like oh yeah he did that or oh yeah we went their haha.  
On wednesday’s when its not raining we have a play date with some of the kids in Jons class after school and one of the moms told me i’m enjoying Juliana more now since she’s our second and we know what were doing now (true) Than she told me this joke she heard about parenting it went something like when you have your first child and his pacifier falls you sanitize it for him, when your second child’s pacifier falls you wipe it with wipes  and when your third childs pacifier falls you just wipe it off on your shirt and give it back to him 🙂 is that kinda true??
On another note yesterday we finished Jons leprechaun trap it came out soo cute..It was the first time I let Jon use the hot glue gun and he thought it was just the coolest thing ever. He wanted to glue everything he could to that trap, and he thought it was just soooo HILARIOUS every time I burned myself until he burned the tip of his finger of course not so funny he got so mad and wanted to put a big ol bandaid on his finger.
  The trap itself we went with when the leprechaun lifts the gold the traps falls on him. He presented it today and it worked great (Thank goodness) 
Next project “all about me” board due monday because he’s monkey/student of the week next week…. 

P.S. Im having a giveaway ( happy dance!!!) yay!!! more details this weekend!!!

Tutu’s and hair bows

So of course being a mom of a lil girl now i’m completely obsessed with hair bows, tutus anything girly, but when I went out to stores or searched online they can get a little expensive until I came across The Hair Bow Company which sells all kinds of girly accessories for very low prices. I only ordered a couple of things because I wanted to make sure of the quality. Processing and shipping was rather fast and the quality of the items are great, So I will definitely will be ordering from them again.
They gave me a coupon to share with friends and family THBC2012 $5 off your next $30 or more purchase. Expires 12/31/12 and is valid for a one time use per guest.
Pink Tutu $3.99


$1 each

$0.89 each

Ok so I couldn’t wait to go take her professional photos so I decided to do a little photo shoot at home and I just saved myself some money because I don’t think the pictures came out bad at all..

Getting cranky photo shoot over 😦