Lets catch up

We’re working on potty training Juliana, if you guys have any tips or suggestions please pass them my way. She just does not seem very interested at all. With Jonathan, I believe I mentioned before it was super easy, he just pretty much decided he was going to do it one day.

I also decided to finally join a gym for the first time !!! I go on a tour of Planet Fitness Monday.  I’ll let you know how that goes, I hope I like it.

I’m so excited I picked my first college class. I start this summer, I only get to take one class though because it’s a short six week semester. I’m so nervous it’s been 10 years exactly since I graduated high school. And since I never knew what I wanted to study, I didn’t know what career path I wanted. My parents really screwed me always giving me what I wanted, I never had to work hard for anything in my life. It’s no wonder, I’ve always felt so lost with no sense of direction. Then life happened and I just put off college. Even though I’ve had pretty good jobs, it’s always been in the back of my mind to go back to school. So I’m very happy that I’m finally doing it. It’s going to
be a lot of work, but I believe I’m ready for it.

 Summary From AmazonAt age twenty-one, Auburn Reed has already lost everything important to her. In her fight to rebuild her shattered life, she has her goals in sight and there is no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry. 

For once, Auburn takes a chance and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is keeping a major secret from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

To save their relationship, all Owen needs to do is confess. But, in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin.

I just finished this book yesterday. Just like all her other books this one made me go through all kinds of emotions. The confessions in this book, that Owen would turn into paintings made this book very captivating. I liked that she had an artist paint the pictures and put it in the book. I thought that was different. I don’t want to give too much away, so I would recommend this book if you guys are looking for something new to read.

You guys have any recommendations on what I should read next?

About the show
Younger” follows 40-year-old Liza (Foster), a suddenly single mother who tries to get back into the working world, only to find out it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at her age. When a chance encounter with a 20-something guy at a bar convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 — with the help of a makeover, courtesy of her best friend Maggie (Mazar). Armed with new confidence, she lands a job as an assistant to the temperamental Diana (Shor) and teams up with her new co-worker and fellow 20-something Kelsey (Duff) to make it in the career of her dreams.

I was very excited for this show, when I first heard about it. Something different from the drama shows I’ve been watching. And I really like Sutton Foster’s quirkiness, I watched her on Bun Heads and I really liked her character. It’s a story I’ve heard before, parents getting divorced, the mom gave up her career to raise her children. And although raising children is a lot of work, employers don’t see it that way. They see it as being on hiatus for the X amount of years. It’s so wrong!!

You can catch the show Tuesday 10/9c on Tvland or watch full episodes online.

The costumes in the show also caught my eye similar to my style.

Comment down below! What are you guys up to?? Let’s chat!!

Have a nice day!!

Let’s Catch Up

I want to start this bi- weekly post, where I can catch up with you guys. Just letting you guys know what i’ve been up to and other topics. Eventually I want to vlog this bi-weekly, but i’m just so shy to talk live on camera. I need to get myself together and practice.
Earlier this week I was reading a post on Dolcé Vanity . It was about the constant changes in blogging and social media. If you guys have been blogging or have been reading blogs for years, it was once a tight community. It was kind of like a family, if you stopped blogging for a couple days. Other bloggers or your readers would try and reach out to you, asking you what’s wrong or if you were sick. Bloggers were encouraging to one another. Just because, not because they wanted something from that blogger. These days it seems like most bloggers just want to communicate with each other so they can see how they can benefit from one another. To get ahead. I see that happen a lot on Youtube and Instagram. It’s just become all about the number of followers.
What are your thoughts?? Have you guys noticed this?? Leave your comments below.

    Never Never By: Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher 
Quick Summery: Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. 

Complete strangers since this morning. He’ll do anything to remember. She’ll do anything to forget. 

I love Colleen Hoover!! Her books usually grab me from the beginning and I do not want to put them down. Until i’ve read every single last page. This book is part of a series and is very short at only 140 pages. I didn’t know it was part of a series, I didn’t want to read anything online about the book that would give anything away. I really don’t like reading books in a series until they all come out. I hate waiting in suspense to find out what happens next.

Have you read this one yet or what are you guys reading these days? Im almost done with this one, so I would love to hear some of recommendations for a new read. 
Photo Credit MissyonMadison
You ever get so lost on instagram looking at different profiles and you start at one persons profile. Than they have a picture tagging someone in their photo, so you click on their profile. You like their pictures so you follow them and than a pop up comes up of other people you should follow, next thing you know your like 10 profiles deep from the one you started on.  Yeah thats how I found Missy on Madison, I really like her style its feminine, full of color and her motto is “cheap can in fact be chic” And i’m all about dressing good for less.
I heard about this show a while ago, but like I read books. The same goes for when I watch a series, I like to watch a series in it’s whole season. And since I don’t have much time to watch T.V, it takes me forever to get through a series. I believe I was catching up with Downton Abby when I heard about this show. I usually like Abc Family shows, so I really wanted to eventually check this one out. 
Its about April she is in her early 20’s just starting off her career as a very ambitious journalist. Everything starts falling into place, when she gets the devastating news that she has cancer. 
I can’t even imagine or wrap my head around that. One day your life is normal and your just going on about your everyday business. You have plans for your future. Than you get news like that and it completely turns your world upside down. 
Comment down below! What are you guys up to?? Lets chat!!