Forgotten Mustache Party


A couple months ago it was my nephews 1st birthday party and I titled this “Forgotten Mustache Party” because in all the craziness I had lost my camera. We were finally reunited last week it was in a travel bag that we have in the trunk of our car. How it got in there I have no idea. Back to the party his invitations asked “Mustache you a question, can you come to my party” adorable!!! It was tons of fun with way to many sweets that I couldn’t resist tasting them all. My very crafty sister in law made all the decor herself, I keep telling her she should start her own party planning service, but she says she just goes over the tops because its her kids. I think she is crazy and should go into business for herself she can make some amazing stuff. Like the pinata look how cute it is we actually bought it when we went to mexico for $3 it was originally just plane white with blue trim.The photo area was just mustache wrapping paper and some random costume items from the dollar store. I cant wait to plan a party in our new home.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..