9 to 5: Lost at what to wear

Hi!Today’s outfit at the office, its getting so hard trying to decide what to wear to work. Its been freezing in the morning and than around 12:00 it starts to warm up to mid 80’s that’s warm here. Especially with all the running around I do at work. I started with this skirt and I was going to wear a more fitted top with a light Cardigan and opened toed shoes. Than saw this sweater thought haven’t worn that in a while lets try it on, but it did not feel right with the top I had on. Paused getting ready to make sure Jon was ready of course he wasn’t he was playing a video game with his cousin that’s visiting us for the week. After threatening him that if he wasn’t ready in five minutes with teeth brushed he would be banned FOREVER from video games. Went back to finish getting ready, crap only had 10 minutes left threw on this collard shirt under my sweater. My opened toed shoes weren’t going to do it my toes were already cold, so threw on these booties instead. 

Sweater: F21
Top: H&M
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Khols 

Outfit of the day: Don’t tell I wore jeans

Hello!! I know its been a while damn Instagram has got me hooked and since than I have neglected this little blog of mine. Since its my birthday week a new year i’m going to a least try and post once a week.
Since my last post a few months back I have started working again. I work in the multi housing industry its interesting never a dull day thats for sure.Also have started a weightloss journey three weeks ago I started insanity, but missed this whole last week because I had company.  I’ll probably start all over now, also have started to change the wait I eat. That was quite difficult at first since I LOVE sweets but its getting easier.  So anyways this was yesterdays outfit and i’m absolutely never EVER suppose to wear jeans, but these are so dark and thin you cant really tell they are jeans and i’m all by myself in the office sundays so i’m not going to run into anyone. 
Earrings: F21
Blazer: Massimo Target
Top: H&M
Belt: Target 
Jeans: F21