One windy spring day

Hello everyone it is a windy windy day today so I finally put on my blue maxi skirt I bought last week at old navy for $2.75 may I add. I went for my run this morning and I couldn’t even breathe it was so windy and Juliana wasn’t so fond of the wind either so I had to cut my run short.. 
For the next month I may be cutting back on my blog to maybe one post a week i’m trying to get back on track on dieting and exercising and if any of you have tried before you know the first weeks are the hardest and the easiest to just give up which I have done time and time again. But not this time i’m doing  it for me and theres no better reason:) wish me luck and of course I will be keeping you guys updated on my progress. If any of you have gone through weight loss or are trying please share your stories with me on my blog or I now opened a Facebook page for my blog (Its still a work in progress)  its seems since everyone seems to have a FB its a lot easier to interact with readers.

By the way Juliana turned 4 months on the 13th gosh its seems like she’s growing sooo fast and i’m trying to soak in every second of it. She was not so fond of my taking these photos at night when we got home after a long mother’s day. She is starting to reach for her toys and grips them like if they were going to run away. she is also discovering she can make noises and get peoples attention. All her little gogos and gagas are like music to my ears 🙂

Happy Thursday