Fashion Friday: Good hair day

I woke up like this (Beyonce voice) my hair was in a usually good mood today. Maybe it has to do with i’ve been thinking of cutting it off, maybe about shoulder length. I actually had some free time the other day but the salon was already closed. I took it as a sign maybe my hair is not ready yet. This top I got it earlier in the summer, I got it a size too big and the back hangs too low for me to bare, so I just threw on over this jean jacket iv’e had for years.

Hey human watcha doing over here you wanna play fetch 🙂 

Out Fit Details
Jacket: Jcrew
Top: F21
Necklace: F21
Skirt: H&M
Sandals: Target
Have a fashionable day!

Fashion Friday: Tribal

Hi, yesterdays outfit I wore to my first Sactweetup. I was so nervous because I went by myself and I didn’t know anyone that was going to be there. I thought to myself if I don’t meet anyone than i’ll just hide in a corner and be on my phone. After all its the only type of event that its not considered rude to be on your phone the whole time. It was held at Capital Dime in downtown Sacramento, they offered appetizers (they looked delicious) but I didn’t get to try any because I had just ate tri tip at home.  I had fun everyone was very friendly. It was nice talking to other people that are into social media like I am, got to follow some new interesting people on twitter. The event is held once a month and I can’t wait to go to the next one.
It was so sunny out

Blue Maxi

Top (which is actually a maxi dress I tucked under) Target
Maxi skirt: F21 (2yrs ago)
Clutch : Crossroads
Shoes: Just Fab
Hi everyone so this was an outfit I wore on my birthday June 25th. Finally i’m 28, i’m pretty exited for what this next year might have in store for me and my family. I have really been wanting to do outfit posts of myself for a while but i’m quite shy taking pictures out in public. So now that we have a big backyard ill start taking pictures out there slowly transitioning to taking pictures out in public where I would like. I bought this skirt a while ago, but this is maybe the third time I wear it Julian hates it when I wear maxi dresses or skirts. He says I should just wear a sheet haha (men what do they know)
Have a great day!

Outfit of the day: Don’t tell I wore jeans

Hello!! I know its been a while damn Instagram has got me hooked and since than I have neglected this little blog of mine. Since its my birthday week a new year i’m going to a least try and post once a week.
Since my last post a few months back I have started working again. I work in the multi housing industry its interesting never a dull day thats for sure.Also have started a weightloss journey three weeks ago I started insanity, but missed this whole last week because I had company.  I’ll probably start all over now, also have started to change the wait I eat. That was quite difficult at first since I LOVE sweets but its getting easier.  So anyways this was yesterdays outfit and i’m absolutely never EVER suppose to wear jeans, but these are so dark and thin you cant really tell they are jeans and i’m all by myself in the office sundays so i’m not going to run into anyone. 
Earrings: F21
Blazer: Massimo Target
Top: H&M
Belt: Target 
Jeans: F21


Outfit of the day: It was hot and I choose a blue maybe turquoise skirt :)

Outfit details
Blazer: H&M
Top:Plato’s Closet
Shoes: Target

Hi everyone this is my outfit I wore yesterday, my niece who’s first day of high school is today (sigh I feel old) She wanted me to take her shopping because she was freaking out about what to wear the first day of school. I so remember those days before the first day of school I would toss and turn in bed trying to even count sheep in order to fall asleep..did that happen to you guys or was that just me.. 
So right now she’s at that point in life where she is realizing she is no longer a kid and its recently hitting her she’s going into HIGH SCHOOL!! She had gone shopping with her mom and she got some cute pieces some colored and printed skinnies and cute blazer and than she got some spongebob tee’s . I don’t know are teens wearing those now a days, because not even Jon my 6 year old would wear a spongebob tee I know he said that when she was showing us what she got (lol he has no filter when it comes to saying what he thinks)
I took her to the mall which is kind of a foreign place for me now since I do most of my clothes shopping online, because 7 month old + 6 yr old boy who hates shopping for anything but toys = total nightmare. We first went to Wet Seal which I don’t remember it being so over priced for such flimsy clothing ran out of there, next her destination Forever 21 I didn’t really want to be on top of her smothering her with what I think she should get because we have to different styles so I let her choose pieces and just guided her with how to pair it, what else she can wear that with and how to accessorize. She got some great stuff and I was really happy to help her!! For her first day she is going to wear a soft pink tiered tulle skirt, white black polka dot blouse, simple long gold necklace and either black ballet flats or black high top sneakers:) She is going to look amazing and i’m proud of her for stepping out of her comfort zone! Good luck Kassy!!

Have an amazing day!!!


Outfit of the day: Blue pop top

Outfit details:
Top, necklace & bracelets:  F21
Skirt: Target
Booties: Cross roads trading comp.


Our new dog Max Fluffy

Hello everyone I hope you guys had an amazing weekend!! I didn’t do much I just lounged around the house. Looking at all the stuff we have to pack. I don’t know if I told you guys already, but we are moving back to Sacramento at the end of this month. We really love living here in the bay area, but we really miss our family and friends. I know they are not far away, but its not the same as being a few minutes away. Everyone also misses seeing Jon and Juliana and I know Jon misses allll his cousins and having sleepovers. So for right now we think that decision makes sense.

Update 10/2
So we didn’t end up moving as the date got closer and closer we felt sadder and sadder ( I don’t think thats a word but thats how we felt)We like living here and Jon goes to one of the best schools. So for now we’re staying. I will still be going back to school though in spring we’ll see how that goes o_0

Hope you guys have a great week!!!


Outfit of the day: Hello Yellow


Outfit Details
Blazer & faux leather leggings: Target
Top: Old Navy
Necklace: F21
Heels: Ami clubwear

Hi everyone so this was my outfit on friday and it was mine and Julians first shoot on location. We were on our way to Sacramento and I told him we should stop and do an outfit of the day shoot since I never really take photos outside. I wouldn’t want you guys to think that I don’t leave my house with the outfits I put together haha 🙂 Im really just trying to get over my fear of taking photos in front of other people its just strange people looking at you wondering why your taking photos, but i’m starting to over come my fear who cares what other people think right!! Especially on this day we were on Freeport near the river a lot of cars passing by and fishermen fishing and I just tried to keep my mind clear and just focus on how the sun was blinding my because it was so bright.


Hola! este es mi look del viernes es la primera vez que mi toma fotos mi marido afuera de la casa. Porque me da mucha pena tomar fotos en frente de otras personas, pero estoy empezando a superar el miedo! Este día estábamos en camino a Sacramento Y le dije a Julian que deberíamos parar para tomar fotos de mi look y nos paramos en la Freeport cercas del rio. Había muchas personas y autos pasando y yo solo trate de mantener mi mente clara y no centrar en las otras personas.


Fashion Friday: Lean Green

Top & Shoes: Target
Skirt & Necklace: F21
Clutch: Express

Jon sneaking into my photo haha 🙂

Hello, I know I haven’t done an outfit of the day in a while, but I hope you guys enjoy this one. This is what I wore today this skirt I bought a little over two years ago and still have it and have only wore it no more than 3 times, so I decided to pull it out today since it was pretty warm out. So ever since I went to L.A (btw ill have my vacation photos up tomorrow) I became really inspired to start dressing up more,why you may ask well im gonna tell you the night we arrived it was pretty late so we didn’t get to do much until about 12:00am when we decided just to go to the movies to watch Ted. So since it was soo late I just threw on a white tee some ripped jeans and some flip flops I thought no biggie there probably wont be a lot of people there. 
Wrong we went to the movie theater at The Grove and there were a lot of people dressed up very nice a little to nice in my opinion to just go out and see a movie. Just the whole time we were in L.A. I noticed people put a lot of effort into looking nice and snazzy 🙂 So I thought i’m going to start doing that too more often even if i’m just going to be at home, because honestly it does make you feel better as long as your comfortable.

Have a great weekend!!!