Shabby Chic Babyshower

Shower games, I lost..

Sorry I know I’ve been absent from the blog and social media. I just needed a little break, we had a little health scare with our son. He’s fine, everything is ok! Life just really threw a curve ball at us that we did not see coming.
This last weekend it was my sister in law Blanca’s baby shower. I’m so excited I can’t wait to meet my niece Abigail, she should be here on March 24th. Another baby in the family to get my baby fix. There’s is nothing better than the way a baby smells, holding them when they are at peace sleeping. Then giving them back to their parents when they start crying haha. Like any other party, Blanca went all out and did an amazing job at the decorations and the food. Every time one of us has a party we say we should go into the party planning business because we pay so much attention to detail. It was nice seeing everyone and getting to eat all those delicious sweets!
Have a great weekend!

Minnie Piñata

Hello everyone! I know Ive been a little m.i.a, but if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you would know its because i’ve been super busy planning a party. Juliana’s 3rd birthday party to be exact. It was the first time we were going to have a big party for her with both our families and friends. Her first and second birthday were low key since we didn’t have family close by.  Here is the piñata I made for her party. It was my first time giving this a try and might be my last it was quite time consuming, maybe I would make something a little bit smaller.
Total time- 3 hours
I did about an hour a day
Cost- Less than $10
 Supplies Needed
Box cutter/ Precision Knife
Glue (I used Elmer’s Glue)
Crepe streamers (I used 2 pink. 1 black)
Packaging tape for a strong hold
Round all purpose labels (I used Avery 3/4″ diameter)
Black card stock for ears (Optional)
Pink card stock for bow (Optional
I started with an old Home Depot box we had laying around drew on a number 3

Cut out the number three and use it to trace another one and cut that one also.
Cut some extra strips of the cardboard, I cut mine about 2 1/2 inches
Start taping the strips to the sides

It gets a little tricky on the curves, so it helps to fold the cardboard so its easier to work with.
Then just tape the top
Start layering the crepe streamers, I did two layers for the pink the second layer I cut the bottom half of the strip. Then I just added the white Avery dots to the pink section.
I also added the ears made from black card stock and the bow from pink card stock. To the bow I added pink glitter and silver glitter to the center.

All done
What do you guys think? Have you guys ever attempted to make a piñata? I would love to know.
Have a great day!!

Back to School Party ideas

Labor day weekend we decided to throw a back to school party. We just thought about about it very last minute so I have to hurry up and get to planning!!! Its next weekend already!! I thought I would share with you guys some of the cute ideas I found online I haven’t completely decided what exactly i’m doing yet or the menu. So let the planning begin. I think  a party like this is such a cute idea, once school starts everyones schedule gets a little hectic. With school, homework, after school extra curricular activities, its a little harder to get to see everyone.

Crayon reef

Of course you cant have a party with out games.

*These photos do not belong to Mommynheels I found them searching online and have links to where I found them.

Thank you for stopping by

Forgotten Mustache Party


A couple months ago it was my nephews 1st birthday party and I titled this “Forgotten Mustache Party” because in all the craziness I had lost my camera. We were finally reunited last week it was in a travel bag that we have in the trunk of our car. How it got in there I have no idea. Back to the party his invitations asked “Mustache you a question, can you come to my party” adorable!!! It was tons of fun with way to many sweets that I couldn’t resist tasting them all. My very crafty sister in law made all the decor herself, I keep telling her she should start her own party planning service, but she says she just goes over the tops because its her kids. I think she is crazy and should go into business for herself she can make some amazing stuff. Like the pinata look how cute it is we actually bought it when we went to mexico for $3 it was originally just plane white with blue trim.The photo area was just mustache wrapping paper and some random costume items from the dollar store. I cant wait to plan a party in our new home.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..