Pretty Spaces: Thanksgiving Table

I just realized I have not done a pretty spaces post in a while, any who. This Thanksgiving we will be at my sister in laws house, here in Sacramento. Maybe later in the day going to my grandmas house, not sure yet. Its funny though because somehow within the lasts couple months my sister in law’s dinning table chairs have been breaking (no idea, hectic household like mine haha). Her table is down to 3 from 5 chairs and one is missing the back. Its been a joke in our family that we must bring a side dish and our own chair this Thanksgiving. Did I forget to mention she has the table full of center pieces and crafts because she is the one having the quinceñiera next month. So I am really curious to see her table scape for tomorrow.

I hope you guys all enjoy your time with your family or friends tomorrow.

Coastal Table
For the kids
Happy Feasting!
*These photos do not belong to MayrainHeels, they have links to their owners.

Pretty Spaces: Kid friendly Backyard

Hello, one of the main reasons we chose the house we bought, was because of the huge backyard. Oh the possibilities of the things we can do back there are endless. Starting with of course it replacing the fence, that should be done by next week before we move in. I’m still trying to decide what I want to do for the kids in the backyard, we were just going to buy a standard play ground slide, swings etc. but looking around at different blogs that quickly changed our minds. So for now we are still undecided, but below are some of the ideas that are floating around in our heads : ) 

*These photos do not belong to me I found them searching online and have links to where I found them.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!