Pretty in Lace

Hope you guys are enjoying your lovely Saturday. This lace dress I got as a Christmas present last year from Julian. I wore it this last weekend to Juliana’s birthday. I think its just super pretty and feminine, and it helps that its flattering to all this weight i’ve been gaining.  I need to get myself together and get back on track again.

I bought this E-book it’s called 4 weeks to fit and gives you a grocery list and  full meal plans for four weeks and an extra three weeks. Im starting it next week along with regular exercise. See if that helps me get back on track. Its been so hard especially since I stopped working. Even though the kids do keep me busy, its just been so hard for me to find a routine and find some balance. I think i’m going to video vlog when I start, on my Youtube channel.

Outfit Details
Lace dress: Forever21+
Blazer & Tights: Target
Booties: H&M
Watch: Random L.A Boutique 
Until next time…

9 to 5: Lost at what to wear

Hi!Today’s outfit at the office, its getting so hard trying to decide what to wear to work. Its been freezing in the morning and than around 12:00 it starts to warm up to mid 80’s that’s warm here. Especially with all the running around I do at work. I started with this skirt and I was going to wear a more fitted top with a light Cardigan and opened toed shoes. Than saw this sweater thought haven’t worn that in a while lets try it on, but it did not feel right with the top I had on. Paused getting ready to make sure Jon was ready of course he wasn’t he was playing a video game with his cousin that’s visiting us for the week. After threatening him that if he wasn’t ready in five minutes with teeth brushed he would be banned FOREVER from video games. Went back to finish getting ready, crap only had 10 minutes left threw on this collard shirt under my sweater. My opened toed shoes weren’t going to do it my toes were already cold, so threw on these booties instead. 

Sweater: F21
Top: H&M
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Khols 

Outfit of the day: Blue pop top

Outfit details:
Top, necklace & bracelets:  F21
Skirt: Target
Booties: Cross roads trading comp.


Our new dog Max Fluffy

Hello everyone I hope you guys had an amazing weekend!! I didn’t do much I just lounged around the house. Looking at all the stuff we have to pack. I don’t know if I told you guys already, but we are moving back to Sacramento at the end of this month. We really love living here in the bay area, but we really miss our family and friends. I know they are not far away, but its not the same as being a few minutes away. Everyone also misses seeing Jon and Juliana and I know Jon misses allll his cousins and having sleepovers. So for right now we think that decision makes sense.

Update 10/2
So we didn’t end up moving as the date got closer and closer we felt sadder and sadder ( I don’t think thats a word but thats how we felt)We like living here and Jon goes to one of the best schools. So for now we’re staying. I will still be going back to school though in spring we’ll see how that goes o_0

Hope you guys have a great week!!!


Fashion Friday: Lean Green

Top & Shoes: Target
Skirt & Necklace: F21
Clutch: Express

Jon sneaking into my photo haha 🙂

Hello, I know I haven’t done an outfit of the day in a while, but I hope you guys enjoy this one. This is what I wore today this skirt I bought a little over two years ago and still have it and have only wore it no more than 3 times, so I decided to pull it out today since it was pretty warm out. So ever since I went to L.A (btw ill have my vacation photos up tomorrow) I became really inspired to start dressing up more,why you may ask well im gonna tell you the night we arrived it was pretty late so we didn’t get to do much until about 12:00am when we decided just to go to the movies to watch Ted. So since it was soo late I just threw on a white tee some ripped jeans and some flip flops I thought no biggie there probably wont be a lot of people there. 
Wrong we went to the movie theater at The Grove and there were a lot of people dressed up very nice a little to nice in my opinion to just go out and see a movie. Just the whole time we were in L.A. I noticed people put a lot of effort into looking nice and snazzy 🙂 So I thought i’m going to start doing that too more often even if i’m just going to be at home, because honestly it does make you feel better as long as your comfortable.

Have a great weekend!!!